Application for membership

Updated: July 9, 2020

In order to become a member of our society, please fill the “Application Form," and send it to the Secretariat of the Society (E-mail: nse-society AT via e-mail, post, or fax.

The total number of the Society members is 536 (386 regular members, 129 student members, and 21 supporting members) as of May 24, 2019.
An additional 90 applicants have been approved for membership.


Type Eligibility to become a member Annual membership fee
Regular Member
  • ・Researchers and development engineers in the fields that our society targets or peripheral fields
  • ・Healthcare, nursing and welfare personnel that practice, conduct research, or work in the fields targeted by the society and agree with the objectives of the society
10,000 JPY
Student Member
  • ・Students that agree with the society’s objectives and have great interest in the fields targeted by the society or peripheral fields (student status will be confirmed each fiscal year by providing a copy of a student ID card or school certificate)
3,000 JPY
Supporting Member
  • ・Individuals, voluntary groups, or group representatives that support the objectives and projects of the society and are not mentioned above
    Supporting member companies are asked to nominate one councilor from the company.
50,000 JPY per one donation

Application Form

WordApplication Form (Word docx)

PDFApplication Form (PDF)

  • 1. Please fill the application form using a word-processing software (e.g., Word) or write in block letters when handwriting.
  • 2. In the "Name" of the "Office Address" section, please fill the name of your affiliation, along with that of the department, faculty, institute, and/or division.
    (e.g., Deptartment of Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, North-pole University)
  • 3. If your company is applying to be a supporting member, please fill the name of the contact person in the "Name" section. In this case, "Home Address" and "Academic History" sections can be left blank.
  • 4. The society fiscal year is from September to next August (e.g., Sept. 2014 to Aug. 2015). Please fill the "Fiscal Year" section.
  • 5. If you are applying for student membership, please send a copy of your student ID card or the certificate of enrollment at the beginning of each fiscal year.

How to apply

  • 1. Please download and fill the application form, and send it to the Secretariat of the Society via e-mail, post, or fax.
  • 2. After format check, the application shall be approved in a Board Meeting. Until being officially approved as a member, your membership status shall be provisional.
  • 3. After approval in a Board Meeting, a transfer form for payment of an annual membership fee will be sent to you. Please pay a membership fee to officially become a member.


In the case of resignation from the Society, please send the following information to the Secretariat of the Society via e-mail or fax. We do not accept the request of resignation over the telephone.

<Mandatory information>
Subject: [NSE] Request to resign

  • 1. Your name
  • 2. Your membership number
  • 3. Your contact information (postal address, tel/fax, e-mail address)
  • 4. Your affiliation

We'd appreciate it if you could give us a reason for resignation.


Secretariat of the Society for Nursing Science and Engineering, Shunkosha Inc.
Shinjuku Lambdax Building, 2-4-12 Okubo, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-0072, Japan

TEL: +81-3-5291-6231+81-3-5291-6231
FAX: +81-3-5291-2176