Missions of NSE Society

The Society for Nursing Science and Engineering pursues interdisciplinary collaboration while deepening members’ respective expertise in nursing science, medical science, science and engineering, and other related fields. Its objective is the creation of new technologies that contribute to new academic fields and care, and to society at large. The following activities are carried out to achieve such objective.

  • 1. To host academic conferences and meetings, lectures, seminars, training sessions, exhibitions, guided tours, etc.
  • 2. To issue newsletters and other publications
  • 3. To widely develop and promote healthcare, to investigate and research on systemizing nursing science and engineering, and to reward such activities
  • 4. To cultivate human resources for the development of science and technology
  • 5. To promote information and enlightenment leading to contributions to society
  • 6. To conduct projects for the standardization of equipment and qualification systems
  • 7. To communicate and partner with relevant academic societies both domestic and international
  • 8. To conduct projects associated with or related to the above