We aim at super-interdisciplinary collaborative innovation among nursing, science & engineering, and industry.


Fusion of Nursing, Science, Engineering, and Industry and innovation through interdisciplinary collaboration

The Society of Nursing Science and Engineering aims to contribute to society by creating new technologies and expanding academic fields through cooperative collaboration among nursing, medicine, engineering/science, and related fields, and creates new innovations to address issues in a super-aging society. It was established on October 4, 2013.

Annual Meetings

The Annual Meetings of the Society of Nursing Science and Engineering is scheduled once a year in the fall, and only in 2019 was it held jointly with the Society of Biomedical Engineering in June.


Our society promotes active exchange among members through events such as annual academic meetings, publication of journals and newsletters, and matching seminars.


Our academic journal is published once a year in electronic version (J-Stage). We look forward to hearing from you. We are currently accepting rapid peer reviews for student members and others.


We promote exchanges between nursing and science and engineering experts and help lower the hurdles for collaboration. Would you like to join our society?