
看護理工学会誌 1巻1号



看護理工学会理事長 真田弘美 | P.1


編集委員長 須釜淳子 | P.2


第1回看護理工学会学術集会大会長 森武俊 | P.2



松井優子 ほか | P.4



松井優子1 村山陵子2 田邊秀憲2,3 大江真琴2 福田守良1 元雄良治4 我妻孝則5 木下幸子1 坂井恵子1 紺家千津子1 須釜淳子6 真田弘美7


  1. 金沢医科大学看護学部
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座アドバンストナーシングテクノロジー
  3. テルモ株式会社
  4. 金沢医科大学医学部腫瘍内科学
  5. 金沢医科大学病院看護部
  6. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域附属健康増進科学センター
  7. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野





Analysis of thermographic images in an extravasation model of intravenous infusion in healthy adults


Yuko Matui, RN, PhD1 Ryouko Murayama, RN, PhD2 Hidenori Tanabe, MS2,3 Makoto Oe, RN, PhD2 Moriyoshi Fukuda, RN, MSN1 Yoshiharu Motoo, MD, PhD4 Takanori Wagatsuma, RN, MSN5 Sachiko Kinosita, RN, PhD1 Keiko Sakai, RN, PhD1 Chizuko Konya, RN, PhD1 Junko Sugama, RN, PhD6 Hiromi Sanada, RN, PhD7


  1. School of Nursing, Kanazawa Medical University
  2. Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Terumo Corporation
  4. Department of Medical Oncology, Kanazawa Medical University
  5. Kanazawa Medical University Hospital
  6. Wellness Promotion Science Center, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  7. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Division of Health Sciences and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


Early detection of extravasation in intravenous drip infusions is important because it causes inflammation and ulcers on the skin. However, in clinical situations, nurses determine extravasation using low-objectivity methods. The purpose of this study was thus to develop objective indicators for identifying extravasation. Subjects comprised six healthy men and women who underwent observation for extravasation using thermography. As a model of extravasation, saline was drip-infused at 1.7 ml/min through a catheter inserted into the subcutaneous tissue of the forearm. As a control group, saline was drip-infused through a catheter placed in a vein in the contralateral forearm at the same rate. To confirm that saline was leaking into the subcutaneous tissue, we observed the position of the catheter and the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue both before and after infusion using ultrasonography. Thermographic imaging around the tip of the catheter was performed every 10s from the start of infusion. In all subjects, thermography showed a low-temperature region appearing at the catheter tip within 2 min of starting infusion. These results suggest that thermography can be used to identify extravasation in a fast and non-invasive manner.


extravasation,infiltration,intravenous infusion,thermography


Method for detecting aspiration based on image processing-assisted B-mode video ultrasonography(画像処理を利用したBモード超音波検査法による誤嚥の検出方法の開発)

三浦由佳 ほか | P.12



三浦由佳1,2 仲上豪二朗1 藪中幸一1,3 戸原 玄4 村山陵子5 野口博史6 森 武俊6 真田弘美1


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
  2. 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1
  3. 医療法人大植会葛城病院超音波室
  4. 東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科老化制御学系専攻口腔老化制御学講座高齢者歯科学分野
  5. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座アドバンストナーシングテクノロジー
  6. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科ライフサポート技術開発学(モルテン)寄附講座



Method for detecting aspiration based on image processing-assisted B-mode video ultrasonography


Yuka Miura, RN, MHS1,2 Gojiro Nakagami, RN, PhD1 Koichi Yabunaka, RT, PhD1,3 Haruka Tohara, DDS, PhD4 Ryoko Murayama, RN, RMW, PhD5 Hiroshi Noguchi, PhD6 Taketoshi Mori, PhD6 Hiromi Sanada, RN, WOCN, PhD1


  1. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  3. Department of Ultrasound, Katsuragi Hospital
  4. Gerodontology and Oral Rehabilitation, Department of Gerodontology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
  5. Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  6. Department of Life Support Technology (Molten), Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


We developed a computer-aided image processing technique to assist in the detection of aspirated boluses by clinicians using B-mode video ultrasonography (BV-US) movies. This study used 42 ultrasonography movies from a previous study that investigated the performance of aspirated bolus detection. This image processing technique aimed to assist clinicians in detecting aspirated boluses and the anterior tracheal walls from BV-US movies in which aspirated bolus appearances were emphasized. We combined a method that focused on the region of interest and the correlation coefficient between current and previous images to emphasize the characteristics of aspirated boluses from brightness-adjusted BV-US images. The sensitivity and specificity of this image processing-assisted method were 0.91 and 0.94, respectively, when we used simultaneously collected videofluoroscopy or videoendoscopy results as references. For four silent aspiration movies for which detection did not occur without assistance of image processing, detection was achieved with image processing assistance. Aspirated boluses detected only with image processing assistance had significantly smaller areas, shorter minor axes, longer major axes, and higher average brightness levels than those detected without image processing. This method will contribute to help clinicians provide modification of food viscosity and posture at an early stage for patients with dysphagia.


aspiration pneumonia,computer-assisted image analysis,deglutition,sensitivity and specificity,ultrasound


築根まり子 ほか | P.21



築根まり子1 小池卓慎1 山崎 望2 張博3,4 小林 洋3,5 橋爪 誠6 藤江正克5


  1. 早稲田大学大学院創造理工学研究科
  2. 早稲田大学大学院先進理工学研究科
  3. 早稲田大学理工学研究所
  4. 株式会社菊池製作所
  5. 早稲田大学理工学術院
  6. 九州大学医学研究院先端医療医学講座





Analysis of velocity of needle insertion to prevent translational displacement and deformation of vein in robotic needle insertion system for assisting central venous catheterization


Mariko Tsukune, PhD student/Research Associate1 Takuma Koike, Master’s student1 Nozomu Yamazaki, PhD student2 Bo Zang, Dr/Adjunct Researcher3,4 Yo Kobayashi, Dr/Associate Professor3,5 Makoto Hashizume, Professor6 Masakatsu G. Fujie, Professor5


  1. Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda University
  2. Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University
  3. Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University
  4. Kikuchiseisakusho Co., Ltd.
  5. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
  6. Department of Advanced Medical Initiatives, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University


We are developing a robotic needle insertion system for assisting central venous catheterization that relieves the difficulties of the manual procedure and reduces complications. If translational displacement and deformation of vein appear during needle insertion, the insertion success rate decreases. Therefore, we propose a method to control the translational displacement and deformation of vein and to improve the success rate of needle insertion by needle velocity, using the viscoelastic character of body tissues. In this study, we assessed the relationships of translational displacement and deformation of vein to needle velocity by an in vitro experiment using pig cervical vein and by finite element analysis. As a result, it was suggested that needle velocity can control the deformation of vein, but cannot control its translational displacement because of the large deviation of the translational displacement.


central venous catheterization,robotic needle insertion,finite element analysis


二宮早苗 ほか | P.31



二宮早苗1 岡山久代2 遠藤善裕2 内藤紀代子3 齋藤いずみ4 森川茂廣2


  1. 京都光華女子大学健康科学部看護学科
  2. 滋賀医科大学医学部看護学科
  3. びわこ学院大学教育福祉学部子ども学科
  4. 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科





Examination of the mechanism to elevate bladder neck position by supportive underwear


Sanae Ninomiya, RN, PhD1 Hisayo Okayama, RN, NM, PhD2 Yoshihiro Endo, MD, PhD2 Kiyoko Naito, RN, NM3 Izumi Saito, RN, NM, PhD4 Shigehiro Morikawa, MD, PhD2


  1. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, Kyoto Koka Women’s University
  2. Department of Nursing, Shiga University of Medical Science
  3. Department of Childhood Care, Faculty of Education Welfare, Biwako Gakuin University
  4. Kobe University Graduate School of Health Science


A previous study reported the effectiveness of supportive underwear for elevating the bladder neck and reducing symptoms of stress urinary incontinence in women. This study investigated the mechanism by which bladder neck elevation occurs by using supportive underwear. The positions of the bladder neck and anatomical structures of the pelvis with and without underwear of different forms, strengths, and supportive regions were compared in 10 parous women using magnetic resonance imaging. The underwear that supported from the femur to the buttock, with high strength, or that supported from the pubis to the coccyx was effective to elevate the position of the bladder neck. The levator plate was lifted forwards and upwards by the underwear in elevating the bladder neck. In addition, the perineal body was also lifted upwards. The support to the perineal body and the support from the pubis to the coccyx might be effective to elevate the bladder neck.


pelvic relaxation,stress urinary incontinence,supportive underwear,magnetic resonance imaging


山下紘正 ほか | P.40



山下紘正1 北角権太郎1,2 長村伸一1,2 佐藤智夫1 田山 愛3 土岐 彰3 千葉敏雄1,4


  1. 国立成育医療研究センター研究所医療機器開発部
  2. 株式会社ControlAD
  3. 昭和大学医学部小児外科
  4. 東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科





A prototype of the earphone-type heart rate monitoring device for clinical nursing


Hiromasa Yamashita1 Gontaro Kitazumi1,2 Shin-ichi Nagamura1,2 Tomoo Sato1 Ai Tayama3 Akira Toki3 Toshio Chiba1,4


  1. Division of Medical Device, National Center for Child Health and Development
  2. Control AD Corporation
  3. Department of Pediatric Surgery, Showa University School of Medicine
  4. Graduate School of Information and Technology, The University of Tokyo


In current medical practice, it is necessary to have equipment to monitor vital signs such as electrocardiograms, sphygmomanometers, thermometers, and pulse oximeters. However, nurses consequently have to spend a lot of time checking patients’ vital signs appropriately by attaching and replacing electrodes, as well as reading and recording values. To alleviate this burden, we are developing“an earphone-type vital signs-monitoring device”in order to:1)check patients’ vital signs easily without having to attach electrodes, 2)transmit data wirelessly, and 3)allow the medical staff to monitor the data on portable terminals in real time. So far, we have made a prototype earphone-type single transducer to detect the heart rate. In its performance evaluation, our new device displayed marked positive correlations with the measurement by a conventional monitoring device. In the future, we will evaluate the performance to detect other vital signs with a greater number of subjects, and develop prototypes with shapes and materials to withstand prolonged use.


single transducer,earphone,vital sign,heart rate








