
看護理工学会誌 5巻1号



看護理工学会 評議員山下 紘正 | P.1



高橋 聡明 ほか | P.2



高橋聡明1 村山陵子2 田邊秀憲2,3 玉井奈緒1 藪中幸一1 真田弘美1


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座アドバンストナーシングテクノロジー
  3. テルモ株式会社





Observational study at the time of peripheral venous catheter placement using the ultrasonography and qualitative sketching method


Toshiaki Takahashi1 Ryoko Murayama2 Hidenori Tanabe2,3 Nao Tamai1 Koichi Yabunaka1 Hiromi Sanada1


  1. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  2. Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Terumo Corporation


This study aimed to describe the relationship between inappropriate conditions due to multiple puncture attempts for catheterization and thrombus formation with subcutaneous edema at catheter failure by qualitative analysis and ultrasonography. Seven categories were extracted, and two stories were identified using qualitative-descriptive analyses. First, when attempting multiple insertions, <puncture sites> were chosen, such as the ulnar side and dorsum of the hand, while <visual judgment of target vein> was difficult, and the <posture at insertion> was contorted. The catheters were not inserted parallel to the sagittal plane, and the echo image confirmed that <intravascular position of catheter tip> were not parallel to the vessels. Second, with IV cannulation on the radial side, during manipulation of the <securement by dressing films>, the mesh part of the IV dressing covered the connector area and caused it to sink into the patient’s skin in the <peripheral condition of the hubs/connectors attached to the apparatus>. These phenomena were observed in many echo images in which the tip of the catheter was placed in the upstream direction of the blood vessels. Our results suggested that the posture of the body during insertion and the securement methods could affect thrombus and edema formation, since mechanical stimuli affected the blood vessels and subcutaneous tissue.


peripheral intravenous catheter,complication,ultrasonography,qualitative sketching method,catheterization technic


加藤  陽 ほか | P.12



加藤 陽1 松本 侑也1 小林 洋2,3 藤江 正克2 菅野 重樹4


  1. 早稲田大学創造理工学研究科
  2. 早稲田大学次世代ロボット研究機構
  3. 科学技術振興機構さきがけ
  4. 早稲田大学理工学術院





Wrist joint angle estimation using the muscle bulge movement along longitudinal direction of the forearm for controlling the powered prosthetic hand


Akira Kato1 Yuya Matsumoto1 Yo Kobayashi2,3 Masakatsu G. Fujie2 Shigeki Sugano4


  1. Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda University
  2. Future Robotics Organization, Waseda University
  4. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University


Estimate intentional joint angle easily and accurately is important for developing a powered prosthetic hand which can realize upper limb amputee’s intentional motion. We proposed the joint angle estimation method using the muscle bulge movement on the forearm skin surface derived from the deformation of the muscle while muscle contraction. We hypothesized a simple relationship between the muscle bulge movement longitudinally along a muscle and the corresponding joint angle, because the muscle contraction causes the change in the joint angle. In this paper, we evaluated the feasibility of the muscle bulge movement for wrist joint angle estimation by confirming the signal characteristics of the proposed signal. From the experimental results with five non-amputated subjects, we extracted a linear relationship from the raw data with a high determination coefficient as 0.94. Using the function eared from the raw data, we achieved the joint angle estimation error as 8.05[°]which is similar to that of using surface EMG in related work. We will develop a joint angle control method using the muscle bulge movement for a powered prosthetic hand with upper limb amputee.


powered prosthetic hand,joint angle estimation,muscle bulge movement,bio signal analysis


Influences of different wiping methods cleaning agent removal on the effectiveness of skin dirt removal:A quasi-experimental study (拭き取りによる洗浄剤除去方法が皮膚汚れ除去効果に及ぼす影響)

松本  勝 ほか | P.22



松本 勝1,2 大貝 和裕2 大橋 璃子3 田中 環那4 青木 未来2,5 小林 正和2 須釜 淳子6


  1. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系臨床実践看護学講座
  2. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域附属健康増進科学センター
  3. 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科保健学専攻健康発達看護学講座
  4. 金沢大学附属病院看護部
  5. 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科保健学専攻臨床実践看護学講座
  6. 金沢大学新学術創成研究機構


皮膚汚れ除去に最も効果的な拭き取りによる洗浄剤除去方法を明らかにすることを目的とし,健康成人女性の前腕部を対象に準実験研究を実施した.洗浄剤により皮膚表面の汚れを浮かせたあと,3種類の異なる拭き取り方法により皮膚汚れおよび皮膚洗浄剤を除去した(WIPE A:末梢から中枢方向,WIPE B:中枢から抹消方向,WIPE C:中枢から外側へ円を描く).皮膚汚れとして油性口紅を使用し,汚れ塗布部位とその周囲合計5ヵ所において,拭き取り前後の皮膚色の差を算出することで,皮膚汚れ除去効果の指標とした.拭き取り方法間で統計学的有意差を認めた場合にその回数を数え,評価部位5ヵ所の統計学的有意差の合計数(Total score)が最も高いものを最も皮膚汚れ除去効果の高い方法とした.結果としてWIPE CはWIPE AおよびWIPE Bにくらべて高い5ヵ所のTotal scoreを示した.本研究における3種類のなかでは,中枢から外側へ円を描く拭き取り方法が最も皮膚汚れ除去効果が高いことが明らかになった.



Influences of different wiping methods cleaning agent removal on the effectiveness of skin dirt removal:A quasi-experimental study


Masaru Matsumoto1,2 Kazuhiro Ogai2 Riko Ohashi3 Kanna Tanaka4 Miku Aoki2,5 Masato Kobayashi2 Junko Sugama6


  1. Department of Clinical Nursing, School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  2. Wellness Promotion Science Center, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  3. Department of Health Development Nursing, Division of Health Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Kanazawa University
  4. Department of Nursing, Kanazawa University Hospital
  5. Department of Clinical Nursing, Division of Health Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Kanazawa University
  6. Institute for Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa University


This quasi-experimental study aims to determine the effectiveness of different cleaning agent removal methods in removing skin dirt from the forearms of healthy women. After removal of skin dirt, the detergent was removed in three different methods, i.e., wiping off from the periphery to the center(WIPE A), from the center to the periphery(WIPE B), and in circular motions shifted outward from the center(WIPE C). A total of five sites, of which one site included an area where oil-based lipstick was applied as a dirt substitute, were evaluated. The effectiveness of skin dirt removal by the different methods, involved determining the difference(Δa* values)calculated between pre and post-intervention skin colours. The number of significant differences between the four-cleaning agent removal methods at each measurement site was counted, and the total number of participants for each cleaning agent removal methods was calculated as a total score. The WIPE C method demonstrated a higher total five-site scores than the WIPE A and WIPE B methods. Among the procedural variations of the wiping methods, circular motions shifting outward from the centre spread less dirt and was most effective in skin dirt removal.


cleaning agent removal,skin dirt removal,wipe,sulcus cutis, skin color


Factors associated with severe skin disorder after extravasation of intravenously infused antineoplastic agents(抗がん剤の点滴静脈内注射の血管外漏出後の重症皮膚障害の発生要因)

松井 優子 ほか | P.31



松井 優子1 村山 陵子2 田邊 秀憲2,3 大江 真琴2 元雄 良治4 我妻 孝則4 道渕 路子5 木下 幸子1 坂井 恵子1 紺家 千津子1 須釜 淳子6 真田 弘美7


  1. 金沢医科大学看護学部
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座アドバンストナーシングテクノロジー
  3. テルモ株式会社
  4. 金沢医科大学医学部腫瘍内科学
  5. 金沢医科大学病院
  6. 金沢大学新学術創成研究機構革新的統合バイオ研究コア先端的ヘルスケアサイエンスユニット
  7. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野





Factors associated with severe skin disorder after extravasation of intravenously infused antineoplastic agents


Yuko Matsui1 Ryoko Murayama2 Hidenori Tanabe2,3 Makoto Oe2 Yoshiharu Motoo4 Takanori Wagatsuma5 Michiko Michibuchi5 Sachiko Kinoshita1 Keiko Sakai1 Chizuko Konya1 Junko Sugama6 Hiromi Sanada7


  1. School of Nursing, Kanazawa Medical University
  2. Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Terumo Corporation
  4. Department of Medical Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University
  5. Kanazawa Medical University Hospital
  6. Advanced Health Care Science Research Unit, Innovative Integrated Bio-Research Core, Institute for Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa University
  7. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


This study examined factors associated with severe skin disorders after extravasation. Among 256 patients who received intravenous drip infusion of antineoplastic agents from April through September 2014, the 25 patients who experienced extravasation were analyzed. Measurements of skin temperature by thermography and macroscopic observation were performed during drip infusion to each patient. The severe group(12 patients)was defined as patients showing induration or blistering at the next hospital visit. The remaining 13 patients constituted the mild group. Various factors were compared between groups. All study protocols were approved by the Kanazawa Medical University Ethics Committee. The severe group was characterized by longer administration of vesicant or irritant agents after appearance of a thermographic low-temperature region suggesting extravasation(severe group, 28 min;mild group, 6 min;P=0.017), lack of swelling during administration(severe group, 92%;mild group, 46%;P=0.03), and lower age(severe group, 59.4 y;mild group, 71.2 y;P=0.037). The results of the present study suggest that the factor associated with severe skin disorder after extravasation was a long duration of extravasation due to a lack of recognition of swelling after the first appearance of symptoms.


extravasation,thermography,antineoplastic agents,induration,blister


髙田 美雪 ほか | P.41



髙田 美雪1 桑田 弘美2 森川 茂廣3


  1. 岡山大学病院看護部
  2. 滋賀医科大学医学部臨床看護学講座(小児)
  3. 滋賀医科大学神経難病研究センター


手術支援ロボットによる腹腔鏡下前立腺摘出術(Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy:RALP)を受けた患者の体験を分析し,先進医療に対し,どのような期待や不安を感じ,受け止めているのかを明らかにするために前立腺癌でRALPを受けた患者8名に半構成的面接を実施した.患者とその家族は,体験談やネットの検索など,積極的に情報収集を行い,先進医療を受け入れていた.RALPの低侵襲性,正確性,根治性に期待をもっており,その術後早期回復を実感することで,想像以上の満足感を得ていた.短い入院期間のなか,患者との信頼関係を確立し,質の高い看護の提供するために,患者の視点に立った情報提供,患者の背景に目を向けたかかわりが求められていることが示唆された.



Experiences of patients who underwent robot assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy


Miyuki Takada1 Hiromi Kuwata2 Shigehiro Morikawa3


  1. Nursing Department, Okayama University Hospital
  2. Department of Clinical Nursing, Shiga University of Medical Science School of Medicine
  3. Molecular Neuroscience Research Center, Shiga University of Medical Science


The purpose of this study is to analyze the experiences of the patients who underwent Robot Assisted Laparoscopic radical Prostatectomy(RALP)and to clarify their expectation and anxiety about the advanced medicine for prostate cancer. A semi-structured interview was conducted on 8 patients who underwent RALP for prostate cancer. Through the analyses of the records, these findings were obtained. Patients and their families accepted the advanced surgical treatment, with hearing their friends’ experiences and getting information through the internet. They expected its minimally invasiveness, accuracy and high curability. They were satisfied with the earlier recovery from the surgical procedure than their prediction. In the short hospitalization period to build up a relationship of trust with patients, such information from the patients’ point of view will provide important findings to provide high-quality nursing. It is suggested that a hands-on individual consultation and understanding degrees is required.


prostate cancer,robotic surgery,patients,experiences


Confirming the placement of nasogastric tubes by hand-carried ultrasonography device(携帯型超音波装置を用いた経鼻胃管の位置確認の検討)

駒形 和典 ほか | P.52



駒形 和典1 藪中 幸一2 仲上 豪二朗2 池田 真理3 竹原 君江1 武村 雪絵1 真田 弘美2


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻看護管理学/看護体系・機能学
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学
  3. 東京女子医科大学看護学部看護管理学





Confirming the placement of nasogastric tubes by hand-carried ultrasonography device


Kazunori Komagata1 Koichi Yabunaka2 Gojiro Nakagami2 Mari Ikeda3 Kimie Takehara1 Yukie Takemura1 Hiromi Sanada2


  1. Department of Nursing Administration and Advanced Clinical Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  2. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Department of Nursing Administration, Graduate School of Nursing, Tokyo Women’s Medical University


Background:One of the most serious complications of nasogastric tubes(NGTs)is inaccurate placement. A number of easy techniques have been developed to confirm accurate NGT placement;however, these methods are lacking in accuracy. Chest x-rays are the most accurate method of confirming NGT placement, yet x-rays are often inconvenient. In this study, we examined whether a hand-carried ultrasonography device(HUD)could provide an accurate and convenient method for confirming the placement of NGTs. Methods:We used HUD to confirm NGT placement in a series of 10 patients. NGT positioning was evaluated in both the neck and epigastric regions. Visibility was improved by aspirating stomach contents while imaging both the neck and epigastric regions and placing the patient in the left decubitus position while imaging the epigastric region. Results:In all 10 patients, the placement of the NGT was verified. In 80% of patients(8/10), the NGT was visualized in the neck. In 80% of patients(8/10), the NGT was visualized in the epigastric region. HUD was able to visualize even small-bore NGTs, with sizes ranging from 8-Fr to 12-Fr. Conclusions:The hand-carried ultrasonography device is a reliable and convenient method for confirming placement of NGTs.


nasogastric tube,tube placement,ultrasonography,hand-carried ultrasonography device


Development of a distribution analysis method for metalloproteinase activity by combining wound blotting and zymography techniques:A pilot study in mice(創面ブロッティング法とザイモグラフィ技術を組み合わせた細胞外基質分解酵素活性の分布解析法の開発:マウスを用いたパイロットスタディ)

峰松 健夫 ほか | P.58



峰松健夫1,2 仲上豪二朗2,3 麦田裕子3 玉井奈緒1 真田弘美2,3


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座スキンケアサイエンス
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  3. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科老年看護学/創傷看護学分野





Development of a distribution analysis method for metalloproteinase activity by combining wound blotting and zymography techniques:A pilot study in mice


Takeo Minematsu1,2 Gojiro Nakagami2,3 Yuko Mugita3 Nao Tamai1 Hiromi Sanada2,3


  1. Department of Skincare Science, The University of Tokyo
  2. Global Nursing Research Center, The University of Tokyo
  3. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, The University of Tokyo


The activity of matrix metalloproteinases(MMPs)associated with progression and inhibition of wound healing is expected to be a biomarker to reflect the wound inflammatory status. However, a method has not been developed to visualize the activity distribution of MMPs. In this study, we developed a novel distribution analysis method by combining wound blotting and zymography techniques. Wound blotting samples were collected from full thickness wounds of mice. A gelatin gel was reacted with the wound blotting sample, and then stained. Image processing of gel images clearly showed the distribution of MMP activity, although the detection sensitivity of MMP activity was lower than in conventional electrophoretic zymography. The distributions of MMP activity were observed on the wound edge and bed. These results suggest that the different distribution patterns of MMP activity, which translocates from the wound edge to bed, and the continuous distribution on the wound edge during the healing period reflect different wound inflammatory statuses.


matrix metalloproteinase,mouse,wound blotting,wound healing


Comparative study on high-frequency ultrasonography and histological structure of the skin:Relationship between collagen/elastin content and echogenicity(高周波超音波診断装置を用いた皮膚イメージングと皮膚内部組織の比較:コラーゲン・エラスチン量とエコー輝度の関係)

大貝 和裕 ほか | P.65



大貝 和裕1 松本 勝1,2 青木未来1,3 臺 美佐子2 前馬 宏子4 打出 喜義5 須釜 淳子1,2,6


  1. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域附属健康増進科学センター
  2. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系看護科学領域臨床実践看護学講座
  3. 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科保健学専攻
  4. 金沢大学男女共同参画キャリアデザインラボラトリー
  5. 浅ノ川総合病院
  6. 金沢大学新学術創成研究機構革新的統合バイオ研究コア先端的ヘルスケアサイエンスユニット





Comparative study on high-frequency ultrasonography and histological structure of the skin:Relationship between collagen/elastin content and echogenicity


Kazuhiro Ogai1 Masaru Matsumoto1,2 Miku Aoki1,3 Misako Dai2 Hiroko Maeba4 Kiyoshi Uchide5 Junko Sugama1,2,6


  1. Wellness Promotion Science Center, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  2. Department of Clinical Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  3. Department of Clinical Nursing, Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University
  4. Career Design Laboratory for Gender Equality, Kanazawa University
  5. Asanogawa General Hospital
  6. Advanced Health Care Science Research Unit, Innovative Integrated Bio-Research Core, Institute for Frontier Science Initiative (InFiniti), Kanazawa University


Background:High-frequency ultrasonography is used to non-invasively visualize the skin. However, few studies have focused on the association between ultrasound images and actual histology. Here we focused on the comparison of high-frequency ultrasound images and their actual histology using Cesarean scar tissue removed during delivery. Methods:This study included 12 pregnant women who provided a written informed consent. The ultrasound images of scars were captured prior to delivery using a high-frequency ultrasound device. Scars were sampled by an obstetrician, and collagen and elastin staining were performed on the samples. The amount of collagen or elastin was estimated by an intensity analysis using immunohistochemistry images. Results:Only low-echogenicity signals were observed in the scar tissue, although a tight structure was present. Echogenicity was significantly correlated with the elastin-positive area but not with the collagen-positive area. Conclusion:The echogenicity of ultrasound images appeared to be more closely associated with the amount of elastin than with the amount and/or density of collagen fibers.




石山 さゆり ほか | P.74



石山 さゆり1 岩永 浩明2 田原 孝2 清岡 佳子1 大橋 一友3


  1. 日本赤十字九州国際看護大学
  2. 医療・福祉基盤研究所
  3. 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科


はじめに:ヒトの生体が決定論的カオスであることが多くの研究によって示されているが,ヒトの胎児と母では明らかになっていない.方法:4人の母とその胎児を対象に妊娠11週から36週まで,超音波ドップラー法で母児の心音を同時測定し,カオス解析を行った.Random shuffle,Fourier shuffle Period-shuffleのサロゲートを行い,母児のデータのランダム性を検証した.最大リアプノフ指数(λ1)の計算,アトラクターの抽出を行った.結果:相関次元は5次元であった.3種のサロゲート法すべてにおいて母児データのランダム性が棄却された.母児のλ1は正であり,両者のアトラクターが抽出できた.これらのことから胎児と母は決定論的カオスであることが示された.考察:本結果は妊娠初期から後期にわたって胎児と母が決定論的カオスであり,非線形相互作用する自己組織化能力を備えていることを明らかにした.



Fetus and mother are a deterministic chaos:Analysis of surrogate data method


Sayuri Ishiyama1 Hiroaki Iwanaga2 Takashi Tahara2 Yoshiko Kiyooka1 Kazutomo Ohashi3


  1. Women’s Health & Reproductive Health, The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing
  2. Institute for Basic Medical and Welfare Research
  3. Division of Health Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine


INTRODUCTION:Many studies have shown that human organs are a deterministic chaos. However, it remains unclear whether this is true for the human fetus and mother. We aimed to clarify whether the fetus and mother are a deterministic chaos or not. METHODS:We measured heart sounds of four human fetuses and their mothers during 11th-36th week of gestation using an ultrasonic Doppler apparatus. We investigated non-linearity of the data using the surrogate method. Data modified by three surrogate methods:Random shuffle, Fourier shuffle and Period-shuffle, were used in the study. We conducted a chaotic analysis to recognize the largest Lyapunov exponents(λ1)and the attractor. RESULTS:The result of calculation of correlation dimension is five. λ1 of the original data was significantly different from that of each surrogate data. Fetuses and mothers showed positive λ1 from 11th to 36th week of gestation. Moreover, the attracters were clearly recognized for fetuses and mothers. The results indicate these data deterministic chaos with nonlinear dynamics. DISCUSSION:These results indicate that fetus and mother are a deterministic chaos, and that fetus and mother showed the self-organization ability to interact nonlinearly.


fetus and mother,deterministic chaos,self-organization,surrogate data method



池川 充洋 ほか | P.80



池川 充洋1 大島 暁1 須藤 久美子2 倉智 恵美子2


  1. 株式会社ケア環境研究所
  2. 飯塚病院





Case of nursing activity improvement from viewing of the place of work with cell nursing system


Mitsuhiro Ikegawa1 Satoru Ohshima1 Kumiko Sudo2 Emiko Kurachi2


  1. Care Environmental Laboratory CO., LTD
  2. Iizuka Hospital


This study is improvement of nursing care providing system from cell nursing system that is taken from the cell production system in manufacturing. Cell production system is different from line production system as belt conveyor system. One worker or one group operate all of production process. Under the cell nursing system nurses are assigned patients’ rooms in charge for all caring tasks on daily bases. In addition, other tasks such as information gathering and sharing, and conference are carried out in patients’ rooms rather than at staff station. As a result of being closer to patients, nurses are able to catch sings from patients easily, and then are able to provide forestalling care to patients. Some of positive impacts are the reduced number of Nurse Call Volumes. In this paper are discussed based on data of the Location Detecting System.


cell nursing system,initiative care,nurse call,location detection data,motivation of nurse











第6回看護理工学会学術集会 開催のご案内前付


