
看護理工学会誌 6巻1号



看護理工学会 編集委員長倉 俊明 | P.1



佐藤 栄治 | P.2





  1. 大分県立看護科学大学


【はじめに】移乗する際の立ち上がり動作の容易性は,筋活動に対する負担の軽減につながる.本研究は,座面高と座面角の組み合わせが移乗する際の立ち上がり動作(Sit to stand)にどのような影響を及ぼすか,筋活動を評価指標として検証することを目的とした.【方法】12人の健常成人男性を対象に立ち上がり動作時の下肢筋活動を表面筋電図計で測定した.座面高3パターン,座面角も3パターンとし,組み合わせた計9パターンの椅子を準備.%MVCを従属変数,座面高と座面角を実験変数とし,二元配置分散分析を行った.【結果】4つの筋群すべてにおいて,座面高の主効果を認め,座面高を5cm高くすることで%MVCが有意に小さくなった.大腿直筋において,座面角の主効果を認め,前傾は後傾より%MVCが小さかった.【考察】高座面の椅子は筋活動の軽減につながる.また,座面角において,座面を前傾させることで,離殿時までの重心の前方移動に影響をあたえる大腿直筋への負荷を軽減させることが明らかになった.



Effects of the tilting angle and height of a seating face on muscle activity during sit-to-stand


Eiji Sato1


  1. Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences


Background:The ease of sit-to-stand(STS)leads to reduction of burden on muscle activity. In the previous study, it is reported that the the height and tilting angle of a seating face(HAS)can influence the STS. It is, however, unclear how the HAS affects the STS. The aim of the present study is to examine the combination of HAS to ease the STS. Methods:Subjects were 12 healthy men. Evaluation of muscle activity was performed on the surface electromyography(SE). SE adhered to Vastus lateralis(VL), Rectus femoris(RF), Vastus medialis and Tibialis anterior. Each HAS prepared 3 patterns. Therefore, the STS experiment was conducted with 9 patterns in total(3×3 patterns combined). HAS was analyzed in a two-way analysis of variance(two-way ANOVA). Results:In VL, there was a significant difference due to HAS difference(p=0.027). There was a significant difference in the height of each muscle group(p=0.000), Angle was only RF significant(p=0.009). Conclusion:Combination of HAS was effective in VL. it was found that high chair has small muscle activity and low chair has large muscle activity. RF muscle activity is alleviated by anteversion angle.


sit-to-stand,surface electromyography,seat height,tilting angle,two way ANOVA


織田 茜 ほか | P.12



織田 茜1 鏡(関塚)真美2 北島友香3 島田啓子2


  1. 金沢医科大学病院
  2. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系
  3. 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科保健学専攻


本研究は妊娠後期の乳腺組織の厚みの変化を明らかにし,分娩前の乳腺組織の厚みと産後3~5日目の乳汁分泌量との関係を明らかにすることを目的とした.対象は妊娠34~35週の妊婦で,携帯型超音波診断装置(Vscan Dual Probe)を用いて妊娠34~35週より分娩前1~7日まで妊婦健康診査の時期において乳腺組織の厚みを継続的に測定した.分析対象は産褥婦14名であった.分娩直前の乳腺組織の厚み29.0mmを基準として2群に分類し,群分けしたグループと産後日数および両者の交互作用を固定効果,対象者を変量効果とした線形混合モデルで分析した結果,乳汁分泌量に関連していた固定効果は乳腺組織の厚みと産後日数であり,有意な固定効果がみられた(p=.030,.001).すなわち29.0mm以上の群ではそうではない群にくらべ乳汁分泌量が有意に多かった.以上のことより,分娩前における最終妊婦健康診査時の乳腺組織の厚みと産後乳汁分泌量との関連が示唆された.



Relationship between thickness of mammary glands in late pregnancy and amount of breast milk after giving birth


Akane Orita1 Naomi Sekizuka-Kagami2 Yuka Kitajima3 Keiko Shimada2


  1. Kanazawa Medical University
  2. Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  3. Graduate Course of Nursing Science, Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University


We examined the relationship between the thickness of the mammary glands in late pregnancy and the amount of breast milk produced 3-5 days after giving birth. Fourteen pregnant women in this study were at 34-35 weeks of gestation. We measured the thickness of their mammary glands during each checkup from the 34th or 35th week of their pregnancy to the final checkup before delivery, using portable ultrasonic diagnostic equipment(Vscan Dual Probe). We divided the subjects into two groups on the basis of the thickness of the mammary glands before delivery using 29.0mm. We used the linear mixed model to analyze this study, by grouping the subjects and postpartum days, defining the interaction as fixed effect, and the subjects as random effect. We showed that the amount of breast milk produced by women was significantly related with groups and postpartum days(p=.030, .001). The amount of breast milk produced by women with a mammary gland thickness of 29.0mm or more was significantly greater than that of women with a mammary gland thickness of less than 29.0mm. These findings suggest a relationship between the thickness of the mammary glands at the final checkup before delivery and the amount of breast milk produced after giving birth.


breastfeeding,pregnant women,late pregnancy,mammary glands,portable ultrasonic diagnostic equipment


Validity assessment of two bladder volume estimation methods using hand-held ultrasonography devices:verification with a small amount of bladder urine(携帯型超音波検査装置を用いた2種類の膀胱内尿量推定方法の妥当性評価:少ない膀胱内尿量での検証)

松本  勝 | P.22



松本 勝1 藪中 幸一1,2 吉田 美香子1 仲上 豪二朗2,3 真田 弘美2,3


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座イメージング看護学
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  3. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野





Validity assessment of two bladder volume estimation methods using hand-held ultrasonography devices:verification with a small amount of bladder urine


Masaru Matsumoto1 Koichi Yabunaka1,2 Mikako Yoshida1 Gojiro Nakagami2,3 Hiromi Sanada2,3


  1. Department of Imaging Nursing Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  2. Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity of two methods of bladder volume estimation with respect to the voided volume and a small voided volume using hand-held ultrasound(HHU)devices. HHU devices were used in a random sequence prior to urination, followed by the estimation of voided volume. Estimated volume was then calculated using either diameter method or area method. Three devices(HHU-A, HHU-B, and HHU-C)used manual measurements of three bladder diameters(diameter method). Two devices(HHU-D and HHU-E)used automatic measurements of bladder area(area method). Regression coefficient was calculated using voided volume as the true value. In total, 36 data-points were obtained and the regression coefficient was closest to one in the order of HHU-A(β=0.95), HHU-B(β=0.87), HHU-D(β=1.17), HHU-C(β=1.20), and HHU-E(β=0.67). In total, 23 data-points of less than 150 ml were obtained and the regression coefficient was closest to one in HHU-A(β=0.95), HHU-B(β=0.87), HHU-D(β=1.17), HHU-C(β=1.20), and HHU-E(β=0.67). HHU devices using the manual diameter method had higher validity than those using the area method.


hand-held ultrasonography device, bladder volume, residual urine, validity


Detection of inflammatory cytokines by skin blotting as an objective measure of neonatal skin problems(新生児皮膚トラブルの客観的評価指標としてのスキンブロッティング法による炎症性サイトカイン検出)

樋口  幸 | P.33



樋口 幸1 吉田成一2 峰松健夫3 市瀬孝道2


  1. 大分県立看護科学大学助産学研究室
  2. 大分県立看護科学大学生体反応学研究室
  3. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座スキンケアサイエンス


本研究では,新生児皮膚におけるスキンブロッティングによる炎症性サイトカイン検出が,皮膚トラブルの客観的評価指標となりうるのかを検討した.新生児の無疹部と皮疹部において,TEWL値やスキンブロッティングによるアルブミンあるいは炎症性サイトカイン(IL-1α,IL-6,TNF-α)検出強度を比較した結果,炎症性サイトカインのIL-6とTNF-αが,無疹部よりも皮疹部のほうで有意(p<0.05)に高く検出された.また皮膚トラブルを検出するためのカットオフ値は,IL-6が2.77μg,TNF-αは8.15μgとなった.このカットオフ値ではどちらの場合も感度と特異度は0.86と1.00であり,AUC(Area Under the Curve)は0.92あった.以上より,スキンブロッティングによるIL-6とTNF-αの検出は,新生児における皮膚トラブルの客観的評価指標となりうることが示唆された.



Detection of inflammatory cytokines by skin blotting as an objective measure of neonatal skin problems


Sachi Higuchi1 Seiichi Yoshida2 Takeo Minematsu3 Takamichi Ichinose2


  1. Department of Midwifery, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
  2. Department of Health Sciences, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
  3. Department of Skincare Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


In this study, we examined whether the detection of inflammatory cytokines in the skin of newborns by skin blotting can serve as an objective measure of skin problems. We compared the detection strengths of albumin and inflammatory cytokines(interleukin(IL)-1α, IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-α)obtained using transepidermal water loss values or skin blotting of rash-presenting and non-rash-presenting neonatal skin, and found that the detection strengths of IL-6 and TNF-α inflammatory cytokines were significantly higher(p<0.05)in skin with rashes than in that without. Furthermore, the cut-off values for the detection of skin problems were 2.77μg and 8.15μg for IL-6 and TNF-α, respectively. Both of these cut-off values had a sensitivity of 0.86, a specificity of 1.00, and an area under the curve of 0.92. These findings suggest that the detection of IL-6 and TNF-α by skin blotting may serve as an objective measure of skin problems in newborns.


newborns,skin problems,non-invasive measurement index,inflammatory cytokines,skin blotting


第7回看護理工学会学術集会 開催のご案内