
看護理工学会誌 7巻



The effects of three different bathing methods on improving swelling of the lower limbs: self-care in patients with lymphedema(異なる入浴法が下肢のむくみ改善に及ぼす影響-リンパ浮腫患者のセルフケアのための検討-)

下村 義弘 ほか | P.1



下村義弘1 夏 亜麗1 津田文香1 大賀久美1 横井麻里1 藤村寛子2


  1. 千葉大学大学院工学研究院人間生活工学研究室
  2. 東京ガス株式会社都市生活研究所





The effects of three different bathing methods on improving swelling of the lower limbs: self-care in patients with lymphedema


Yoshihiro Shimomura1 Yali Xia1 Fumika Tsuda1 Kumi Oga1 Mari Yokoi1 Hiroko Fujimura2


  1. Humanomics Unit, Division of Design Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University
  2. Urban Life Research Institute, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd


Progression of edema in patients with lymphedema is caused by internal factors and external factors, e.g., maintaining the same posture. We aimed to determine the bathing method for self-care that would best improve lower-limb swelling caused by standing in a constrained position in the same posture. Three different bathing methods, mist sauna, whole-body bath, and shower were tested. After a task was performed in the upright position, changes in lower-limb swelling were examined during and after bathing. Subjective evaluation and calf circumference measured improvement in swelling. We found that after bathing, the increase in calf circumference was not restored to the value observed at the end of the task in the upright position. However, bathing helped to eliminate subjective discomfort. Further, it was found that significant reduction in the maximum calf circumference was seen following mist sauna, which significantly affected the swelling by accumulation of venous blood owing to vasodilation and contraction in response to thermal stimulation. The bathing method has different effects, mainly on swelling by accumulation of venous blood. Therefore, the effects of bathing method on objective improvement in swelling over longer recovery periods may be recognized.


bathing, lower-limb swelling, lymphedema, self-care, quality of life


Analysis of night-shift nurses’ locations and durations using information communication equipment: A prospective observational study of a mixed obstetric ward with severe patients in Japan(情報通信機器を用いた重症患者を有する産科混合病棟の夜勤帯看護師の滞在場所と滞在時間の分析)

大滝 千文 ほか | P.13



大滝千文1 齋藤いずみ1 和泉慎太郎2 大澤佳代3,4


  1. 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科看護学領域
  2. 神戸大学大学院システム情報学研究科
  3. 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科病態解析学領域
  4. 神戸常磐大学医療検査学科





Analysis of night-shift nurses’ locations and durations using information communication equipment: A prospective observational study of a mixed obstetric ward with severe patients in Japan


Chifumi Otaki1 Izumi Saito1 Shintaro Izumi2 Kayo Osawa3,4


  1. Department of Nursing, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Science
  2. Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University
  3. Department of Biophysics, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences
  4. Department of Health Science, Kobe Tokiwa University


Approximately 80% of hospital-based childbirth in Japan takes place in mixed obstetric wards, which comprise a mix of the obstetrics department and other departments. Although mixed obstetric wards treat patients from multiple departments, previous studies have not clarified the procedures used by nursing staff in the ward, or nursing by night-time nurses. The purpose of this study was to reveal the actual status of night-shift nurses in a mixed obstetrics ward that treats severe patients. This time motion study used smartphones and beacons to measure the place and duration of stay for night-shift nurses working in a mixed obstetric ward. We found that nurses’ mean bedside stay time per patient in a general patient room was 31.9 minutes on days when there were severe patients hospitalized in the severe patient room, and 33.6 minutes on days when there were no severe patients. Furthermore, the mean stay time in each place during a nurse’s 13-hour shift was 39.2% in the nurse station, 34.4% in the general patient room, and 1.7% in the severe patient room. We believe that these results can be used as data for the placement of nursing staff involved in operating a safe mixed ward.


mixed obstetric ward, Time Motion Studies (TMS), night shift nursing, nursing task locations, severe patients


Comparison of lumbar hot compresses and lumbar massage on labor pain-alleviating effects during the first stage of labor (分娩第1期の産痛緩和効果に対する腰部温罨法と腰部マッサージの比較)

森川真衣 ほか | P.25



森川真衣1 鏡(関塚)真美2 田淵紀子2


  1. 富山県立中央病院
  2. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系


本研究の目的は分娩第1期における腰部温罨法(以下温罨法)と腰部マッサージの産痛緩和効果を比較することである.妊娠37週以降の初経産婦15人を分娩開始順に2群に分け,第1群は温罨法を受ける群,第2群はマッサージを受ける群として割り付けた.分娩第1期で産婦が腰部痛を訴えたときを介入時期とし,温罨法またはマッサージを繰り返し行った.初回介入前後にVisual Analogue Scale(VAS)を使用し,産痛の測定を行った.第1群に7人,第2群に8人が割り付けられた.時期(介入前・後)と介入方法(温罨法・マッサージ)を2要因とし,VAS得点を従属変数とした混合モデルで比較したところ,時期において主効果(p<0.001)を認め,介入前のVAS得点に対し,介入後の得点は低下していた.しかし,介入方法の主効果は認めなかった(p=0.982).温罨法はマッサージに匹敵する効果があることが示唆された.



Comparison of lumbar hot compresses and lumbar massage on labor pain-alleviating effects during the first stage of labor


Mai Morikawa1 Naomi Sekizuka-Kagami2 Noriko Tabuchi2


  1. Toyama Prefectural Central Hospital
  2. Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University


The aim of this study was to compare labor pain-alleviating effects of lumbar hot compresses (hot compress) and lumbar massage during the first stage of labor. This quasi-experimental study that included 15 primiparous and multiparous women at 〓37 weeks of gestation. Parturient women were divided into 2 groups and treated with hot compress or lumbar massage continuously, in the order in which they began the first stage of labor. The first group received hot compresses, whereas the second received massages. Group 1 comprised 7 subjects and group 2 comprised 8. A visual analog scale (VAS) was used before and after the first intervention to measure pain. The groups were compared in a mixed model with the period (before and after intervention) and intervention (hot compress/massage) as the 2 factors; VAS scores were the independent variables. Comparison of the group VAS scores revealed a primary effect in this period (p <0.001). Post-intervention VAS scores decreased compared to pre-intervention VAS scores. A primary intervention effect was not observed (p=0.982). Both interventions reduced pain with no significant difference. Our findings suggest that hot compress is equivalent to massage for alleviating labor pain.


pain-alleviating, labor pain, women, massage, hot compress


山添大丈 ほか | P.33



山添大丈1 満上育久2 小川拓也3 八木康史3


  1. 立命館大学情報理工学部
  2. 広島市立大学大学院情報科学研究科
  3. 大阪大学産業科学研究所


本論文では,左膝関節障害を模擬した場合の歩行変化を分析する.健常被験者が膝関節を固定する装具を装着することで障害歩行を模擬し,通常歩行と障害歩行を比較することで関節障害に伴う歩行変化を分析する.本研究では,2つの要因,バランスとキネマティクスに着目する.バランス分析では,margin of stability(MoS)を用いる.キネマティクス分析では,各部位の姿勢を計算し,通常歩行と障害歩行の違いを比較する.分析結果より,(1)装具装着(模擬関節障害)による影響は胴・腰に多くみられること,(2)腕振りへの影響は突発的なバランス変化の際に限られること,(3)頭部の変化は小さいことが分かった.


バランス,キネマティクス,歩行変化,モーションキャプチャ,Margin of Stability (MoS)

Analysis of gait changes caused by fixing left knee joint focusing on balance and kinematics


Hirotake Yamazoe1 Ikuhisa Mitsugami2 Takuya Ogawa3 Yasushi Yagi3


  1. College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
  2. Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University
  3. The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University


In this paper, we analyze gait changes by simulating left knee disorders in participants. Healthy participants wear knee brace. We compared the normal and simulated disordered walking (while wearing the knee brace) to analyze what changes occur in their gait due to physical disorders. For analysis, we focus on two factors: balance and kinematics. In the balance analysis, we use margin of stability (MoS) for evaluating balance during walking. In the kinematics analysis, we calculate poses of the body parts and compare the poses between normal and disordered walking. Analysis results show that 1) the effects caused by wearing brace can be observed in the torso and waist, 2) the effects to the arms can be observed only when sudden changes in balance occur, and 3) the effects to the head are small.


balance, kinematics, change of walking, motion capture, Margin of Stability (MoS)


安宅和佳奈 ほか | P.43



安宅和佳奈1 岡山久代2 内藤紀代子3


  1. 筑波大学附属病院看護部
  2. 筑波大学医学医療系
  3. びわこ学院大学教育福祉学部





Pelvic floor muscle strength of women at postpartum month 1 and the relationship between pelvic floor muscle strength and delivery-related factors


Wakana Atagi1 Hisayo Okayama2 Kiyoko Naito3


  1. Department of Nursing, University of Tsukuba Hospital
  2. Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
  3. Faculty of Education Welfare, Biwako Gakuin University


This study aimed to elucidate the pelvic floor muscle strength of women at postpartum month 1 and the relationship between pelvic floor muscle strength and delivery-related factors. We measured the pelvic floor muscle strength of 92 women at postpartum month 1 and investigated factors related to delivery. The study found that the maximum contraction force and duration were 0.74 kgf and 3.29 seconds, respectively. Of 92 women, 9.7% found it difficult to voluntarily contract the pelvic floor muscle and 17.4% could voluntarily contract the muscle but had difficulty with prolonged contraction. Moreover, a significant relationship was observed between pelvic floor muscle strength at postpartum month 1 and pre-pregnancy urinary incontinence. The above-mentioned findings suggest that collecting information about pre-pregnancy urinary incontinence rather than delivery-related factors is necessary to predict pelvic floor muscle strength at postpartum month 1. In addition, it is also suggested that in order to provide appropriate care for the pelvic floor of postpartum women, their pelvic floor muscle strength must be evaluated, as well as estimation of high-risk from delivery-related factors.


delivery, one month postpartum, pelvic floor muscle contraction, pelvic floor muscle strength, urinary incontinence



藤浪優花 ほか | P.51



藤浪優花1 川野亜津子2


  1. 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科看護科学専攻博士前期課程
  2. 筑波大学医学医療系





Relationship between carbohydrate metabolism in the middle pregnancy and daily activity measured by accelerometer


Yuika Fujinami1 Atsuko Kawano2


  1. University of Tsukuba, Graduate School Comprehensive Human Sciences Master’s Program in Nursing Science
  2. Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba


This study aims to obtain basic data to study care for prevention of gestational diabetes and to connect to specific guidance at the clinical site. Activity levels were objectively measured using an activity meter equipped with a tri-axis accelerometer, and dietary intake details were examined concurrently, followed by an investigation into the relationship with glucose levels four weeks thereafter. The participants’ average daily step count was 3407.4, which was lower than that of general adult women. The difference in step counts may be because of in the means of transport as well as weather; therefore, further investigation is required. Pre-pregnancy BMI, BMI at the time of conducting the 50g glucose challenge test (GCT), and employment were factors associated with step counts. In future research, it is necessary to investigate what type of movement increases activity levels in pregnant women in employment, which accounts for a large part of their physical activity. No correlation was observed between activity levels and blood glucose levels, which are an index of glucometabolic, for total energy consumption (r=-.15) or energy amounts for everyday activities (r=-.09); however, a slightly negative correlation was found with step counts (r=-.22).


middle pregnancy, carbohydrate metabolism, accelerometer, daily activity, gestational diabetes mellitus


Morphological characteristics of skin tears to estimate the etiology-related external forces that cause skin tears in an elderly population(高齢者に発生するスキンテアの起因外力を推定する形態的特徴)

小谷野結衣子 ほか | P.68



小谷野結衣子1 仲上豪二朗2,3 玉井奈緒3,4 須釜淳子5 真田弘美2,3


  1. 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
  3. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  4. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座イメージング看護学
  5. 金沢大学新学術創成研究機構





Morphological characteristics of skin tears to estimate the etiology-related external forces that cause skin tears in an elderly population


Yuiko Koyano1 Gojiro Nakagami2,3 Nao Tamai3,4 Junko Sugama5 Hiromi Sanada2,3


  1. Department of Nursing, The University of Tokyo Hospital
  2. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Division of Care Innovation, Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  4. Department of Imaging Nursing Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  5. Institute for Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa University


The aim of this study was to identify the morphological characteristics of skin tears(STs)associated with specific external forces for preventing skin tear recurrence. This was a qualitative descriptive study. To investigate the relationship between ST morphology and causative external forces, we conducted semi-structured interviews concerning of development for 23 STs on their arms. First, we described data related to morphological characteristics of STs by sketching from photographs for developing a draft morphological classification. Next, we compared the codes for similarities and differences and extracted subcategories representing the external force factor. Categories of the morphological characteristics were follows: anatomical location, shape, skin flap, purpura, and size. Interviews identified two categories of external forces that cause STs:“origin”had three subcategories (caregiver, patient, and skin-contacting medical implements), and“type of external forces”with six subcategories (bumping, wiping, pulling, fingernail lacerations, scratching, and friction). We identified morphological characteristics of STs according to nine external force subcategories by comparing within and across each category and subcategory of external forces. Four characteristics (purpura, shape, depth of arc, and size) were identified as factors that could estimate the cause of STs.


morphological analysis, qualitative descriptive research, recurrent skin tears, shape


Effect on blood pressure and cerebral blood flow of using a hybrid assistive limb (HAL) for standing(ロボットスーツHAL による起立が血圧と脳血流におよぼす影響)

浅野美礼 | P.79

ロボットスーツHAL による起立が血圧と脳血流におよぼす影響




  1. 筑波大学医学医療系





Effect on blood pressure and cerebral blood flow of using a hybrid assistive limb (HAL) for standing


Yoshihiro Asano1


  1. Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba


 Aim: This study compared how blood pressure and cerebral blood flow changed in young and elderly individuals when actively standing up (standing up from a sitting position on a 40 cm-high chair), when passively standing up with assistance from others, and when standing up with the aid of a lower-limb power-assisted robot or Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL). Methods: Twelve young (22.3±2.1) and elderly (69.6±3.5) healthy individuals participated in this experiment. Participants were asked to stand up under 3 different conditions and blood pressure and cerebral blood flow were measured by monitoring changes in the concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin. Results and Conclusion: As decrease in mean blood pressure, the main effect of age was noted. The standing method did not have any main effect. As decreased cerebral blood flow, the standing method was noted although the effect size was small. No main effect of age was noted, but its effect size was medium. These findings indicate that the decrease in blood flow was greater in younger individuals than in elderly individuals. Regardless of age, the decrease in cerebral blood flow was relatively small for assisted standing and relatively large for assisted standing with HAL.


power assist device, orthostatic hypotension, healthy elderly, physical therapy


Usability, feasibility, and safety test of a new thermosensitive liquid crystal film for the early detection of extravasation in clinical practice: A pilot study(抗がん剤の血管外漏出早期発見のための新しい液晶感温フィルムの使用感,実現可能性,安全性における臨床評価:パイロットスタディ)

阿部麻里 ほか | P.89



阿部麻里1 村山陵子1,2 田邊秀憲3 上山恵三子4 小見山智恵子4 松井優子5 真田弘美2,6


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座アドバンストナーシングテクノロジー
  2. 東京大学医学部附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  3. テルモ株式会社研究開発部門
  4. 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
  5. 公立小松大学保健医療学部看護学科
  6. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野





Usability, feasibility, and safety test of a new thermosensitive liquid crystal film for the early detection of extravasation in clinical practice: A pilot study


Mari Abe-Doi1 Ryoko Murayama1,2 Hidenori Tanabe3 Emiko Kamiyama4 Chieko Komiyama4 Yuko Matsui5 Hiromi Sanada2,6


  1. Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
  2. Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
  3. Research and Development Center, Terumo Corporation
  4. Department of Nursing, The University of Tokyo Hospital
  5. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Komatsu University
  6. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo


Early detection of extravasation is important due to possible drug leakage, which can cause severe tissue damage. However, its signs and symptoms are difficult to be assessed, and objective assessment is necessary. Given that fluid accumulation provides a low skin-surface temperature, a thermosensitive liquid crystal film was developed to be used as a noninvasive, continuous, and safe extravasation assessment tool. This study aimed to confirm its usability, safety, and feasibility for visualizing skin temperature in the clinical setting. This study included clinical nurses and outpatients who received chemotherapy. No extravasation occurred. Forty patients and 8 nurses were included. All patients responded that they did not mind using the film, and they did not experience any side effects due to using the film, such as itching, tightened feeling, or other discomfort. Nurses placed the film on a catheter securement film and routinely administered drugs. Nurses evaluated the usability of the film after every use. The frequency of observation remained unchanged, according to 80% of the nurses’ answers. It suggested that additional treatment time due to film use was acceptable. During treatment, the skin-surface temperature distribution pattern was recorded using a camera. The temperature distribution patterns were classified into six. The thermosensitive liquid crystal film can be a potential assessment tool to early detect extravasation.


chemotherapy, extravasation, peripheral intravenous catheter, skin temperature


井上淳 ほか | P.99



井上淳1 飯岡俊光1 川村和也2 花崎 泉1


  1. 東京電機大学
  2. 千葉大学





Examination of the followability of the Crutch-Walk Assisting Walker connected to the waist using the harness to the movement of the user


Jun Inoue1 Toshimitu Iioka1 Kazuya Kawamura2 Izumi Hanazaki1


  1. Tokyo Denki University
  2. Chiba University


The authors are developing a new shape walker. The purpose of this walker is to allow quantitative training of walking with a crutch safely. For this reason, it is highly necessary to examine the influence of a walker on human walking. We measured the changes in stride length, stride, and pelvic sway during use to confirm safety. However, it is necessary to evaluate the delay time during walking to examine the influence and operability of the walking walker on human walking. In this paper, we calculated the delay time between human and walker by cross correlating the acceleration in the direction of travel between human and walker and evaluated the influence of walker. As a result, it was found that neither of the two walkers with different frame sizes had a dangerous movement that pulled the human body. It was also found that the delay time increases as the size increases. Besides, it was found that the lag time was significantly longer and the variance tended to be larger in walking with a cane than with normal walking.


gait analysis, assistive technology, hemiplegia, crutch walking, acceleration sensor

介護保険病床を有する病院スタッフから見た認知症症状を有する 患者へのコミュニケーションロボットの導入・継続に成功した要因

中山絵美子 ほか | P.116

介護保険病床を有する病院スタッフから見た認知症症状を有する 患者へのコミュニケーションロボットの導入・継続に成功した要因


中山絵美子1 高橋聡明2 北村 言1 野口博史3 仲上豪二朗1,4 桑田美代子5 四垂美保5 真田弘美1,4


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科ライフサポート技術開発学(モルテン)寄付講座
  3. 大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科電子情報系専攻
  4. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  5. 医療法人社団慶成会青梅慶友病院





Factors related to introduction and continuous use of communication robots for patients with symptoms of dementia from view of staff in a long-term care hospital


Emiko Nakayama1 Toshiaki Takahashi2 Aya Kitamura1 Hiroshi Noguchi3 Gojiro Nakagami1,4 Miyoko Kuwata5 Miho Shidare5 Hiromi Sanada1,4


  1. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  2. Department of Life Support Technology (Molten), Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Department of Electric Information, School of Engineering, Osaka City University
  4. Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  5. Oumekeiyu Hospital


This study was conducted in a long-term care hospital where communication robots have been continuously used for elderly with dementia. The aim of the present study was to explore the following: 1. factors related to the establishment of patients-communication robot relationship, 2. factors related to the continuous use of robots, and 3. nursing staff expect regarding robots. We conducted semi-structured interview with six hospital staff and analyzed the records qualitatively. The factor related to the establishment of the relationship between patients and robots was {robot characteristics match patient characteristics and patient conditions and care environment that change}. The factor related to the continuous use of robots was {staff face to introduce and use robots, finding their activity rewarding}. The staff expectation regarding robots was {robots become beings that live together with patients and staff}. These results indicated that establishing the patients-robots relationship was as important as introducing robots, and that establishing staff-robots relationship was as important as using robots continuously.


robot, dementia, continued use

Analysis of day shift nurses’ and midwives’ locations and durations using information communication equipment: A prospective observational study of a mixed obstetric ward with critical patients in Japan(情報通信機器を用いた重症患者を有する産科混合病棟に勤務する看護師と助産師の日勤帯の滞在場所と滞在時間の分析)

大滝千文 ほか | P.130



大滝千文1 齋藤いずみ2 和泉慎太郎3 大澤佳代4


  1. 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科
  2. 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科看護学領域
  3. 神戸大学大学院システム情報学研究科
  4. 神戸常盤大学保健科学部医療検査学科





Analysis of day shift nurses’ and midwives’ locations and durations using information communication equipment: A prospective observational study of a mixed obstetric ward with critical patients in Japan


Chifumi Otaki1 Izumi Saito2 Shintaro Izumi3 Kayo Osawa4


  1. Kobe University Graduate School of Health Science
  2. Department of Nursing, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Science
  3. Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University
  4. Department of Health Science, Kobe Tokiwa University


[Introduction] The number of mixed obstetric wards, which combine obstetric and non-obstetric patients, is increasing in Japan. The nurses and midwives working in these wards are concerned with their work process and sharing of roles. [Purpose] This study aimed to clarify how nurses and midwives work and share roles by measuring the location and duration of their work-related movements in mixed obstetric wards with critical patients. [Methods] We conducted a prospective observational study of nurses and midwives working in a mixed obstetric ward and measured times in various tasks according to a time-motion design using a smartphone and a beacon. [Results] The mean bedside time for nurses and midwives per patient in a general patient room did not differ significantly between days with and without critical patients in the ward (p=0.092). When critical patients were hospitalized, the nurses and midwives spent less time at the nurses’ station. [Conclusion] Nurses’ stay time per patient in general rooms was stable regardless of admission of critical patients. This staffing, which defined the role of nurses and midwives working in a mixed obstetric ward, secured nursing time for critical, general, and obstetric patients despite the mixed ward.


mixed obstetric ward, time motion studies (TMS), day shift nursing, nurse task locations, nurse staffing

Difficulties of self-monitoring blood glucose in the aged with diabetes: An analysis based on observations of self-monitoring blood glucose procedures(高齢糖尿病患者における自己血糖測定の困難:自己血糖測定手技の観察による分析)

大江真琴 ほか | P.141



大江真琴1 小池紀子2 戸部浩美1 大橋優美子2 倉持江美子2 池田真理3 鈴木 亮4 山内敏正5 村山陵子1,6 真田弘美1,7


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  2. 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
  3. 東京女子医科大学看護学部
  4. 東京医科大学糖尿病・代謝・内分泌内科
  5. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科糖尿病・代謝内科
  6. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座アドバンストナーシングテクノロジー
  7. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野





Difficulties of self-monitoring blood glucose in the aged with diabetes: An analysis based on observations of self-monitoring blood glucose procedures


Makoto Oe1 Noriko Koike2 Hiromi Tobe1 Yumiko Ohashi2 Emiko Kuramochi2 Mari Ikeda3 Ryo Suzuki4 Toshimasa Yamauchi5 Ryoko Murayama1,6 Hiromi Sanada1,7


  1. Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  2. Department of Nursing, The University of Tokyo Hospital
  3. Nursing Administration, School of Nursing, Tokyo Women’s Medical University
  4. Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism, Tokyo Medical University
  5. Department of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  6. Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  7. Department of Gerontological Nursing and Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


There is a great need for the development of self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) devices adapted for the aged and educational methods to support the aged to conduct SMBG in super aging societies. The purpose of this study was to clarify the difficulties associated with conducting SMBG among the aged with diabetes based on observations of SMBG procedures. A qualitative study was carried out involving observations of video-recorded SMBG procedures. The participants were 29 patients with diabetes aged 65 years and older. The video data were transcribed verbatim, and then difficulties were extracted. The aged were found to have difficulties regarding“Preparation”,“Insertion of the electrode”,“Attaching and removing the needle”, and“Puncturing”, and experienced failures such as“The amount of blood sampling is inadequate”and“The needle does not come out”. After learning the SMBG procedures, the aged still had difficulties conducting SMBG properly. Although they used the wrong buttons and levers and did not have sufficient skillfulness, they continued conducting SMBG using a variety of approaches. Regular checking and feedback may help the aged conduct SMBG properly. These findings suggest that the development of new and more user-friendly SMBG devices for the aged is needed.


gait analysis, assistive technology, hemiplegia, crutch walking, acceleration sensor


土屋守克 ほか | P.149



土屋守克1,2 伊藤幸太3 髙橋誠一4 坂上貴之5 眞邉一近1,6


  1. 日本大学大学院総合社会情報研究科
  2. 日本医療科学大学保健医療学部看護学科
  3. 慶應義塾大学理工学部機械工学科
  4. 埼玉医科大学総合医療センター看護部
  5. 慶應義塾大学
  6. 日本大学生物資源科学部





Verification of the validity of the new method of measuring activity level based on optical flow action cameras -Testing of the measurement of activity level of the wearer using videos from the action camera-


Morikatsu Tsuchiya1,2 Kohta Ito3 Seiichi Takahashi4 Takayuki Sakagami5 Kazuchika Manabe1,6


  1. Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Nihon University
  2. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nihon Institute of Medical Science
  3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University
  4. Nursing Office, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School
  5. Keio University
  6. College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University


The present study aims to verify the validity of the newly developed method of measuring activity level based on optical flow. 1 subject wore on his chest an action camera for capturing video images and a smartphone for measuring acceleration. Video shooting and acceleration measurement were performed under several preset conditions such as walking, while stationary, etc. The activity level was calculated from the video images using optical flow and its correlation with acceleration was examined. The change in activity level based on the subject’s optical flow was found to have significant correlation with acceleration under several of the preset conditions. The correlation with acceleration obtained from the results of this study suggests that the newly developed method is capable of reflecting the activity level of the subject. Future studies must include verification under more complex conditions such as verification of differences in terms of characteristics from acceleration in addition to further comparison with external standards related to activity levels.


optical flow, action camera, wearable camera, activity, acceleration



松野 孝博 ほか | P.59



松野孝博1 三谷篤史2 平井慎一1


  1. 立命館大学理工学部ロボティクス学科
  2. 札幌市立大学デザイン学部人間情報デザインコース





Measurement algorithm for oral care simulator using force sensor


Takahiro Matsuno1 Atsushi Mitani2 Shinichi Hirai1


  1. Department of Robotics, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
  2. Course of Communication Design for Human Life, School of Design, Sapporo City University


In this research, we propose the oral care simulator using a force sensor. The basic algorithm of measuring contact point and brushing force were constructed. In the proposed simulator, only one force sensor is installed at the bottom of the oral model. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the number of signal wiring and sensors compared with a previous oral care simulator. Firstly, focusing on a line of action of force and shape of oral model, the locations that can be the contact point are calculated. Next, the direction of the force and the velocity at each candidate of contact point are compared, and these points are narrowed down to the theoretically possible contact points. Finally, the brushing force at the contact point is derived and feed back to the user. The prototype of oral care simulator was produced, the proposed algorism was experimentally verified. The results show that the contact point of brush can estimated, normal and tangential force could be measured. In the next step of research, we will improve the measurement accuracy of simulator, and then the full system of oral care simulator will be developed.


oral care simulator, nursing education, force sensor


梶原志保子 ほか | P.107



梶原志保子1 中出麻紀子2 服部知彦3







Development of perspective glasses in conjunction with focusing intention using horizontal progressive lenses for elderly people


Shihoko Kajiwara1 Makiko Nakade2 Tomohiko Hattori3


  1. Heisei College of Health Sciences
  2. University of Hyogo
  3. Nagoya Isen College of Medical Care & Welfare Dep. of CE.


A newly developed perspective glasses that could match convergence and accommodation according to the focal intent of the eye was described in this paper. The target age was 70 years old, and the developed glasses were designed by gradually changing the diopter of a progressive lens horizontally in accordance with convergence. In accordance with this design, the optical components were placed, stereo images were taken and qualitatively evaluated. As a result, the developed perspective glasses enabled more natural observation and reduced image distortion compared to conventional perspective glasses. The progressive value of lens versus the distance between pupils table for the lens was created as a quantitative evaluation. Tables with the distances of 55×10-3, 58×10-3, 61×10-3, 64×10-3, 67×10-3, 70×10-3 (m) were got. The feasibility of perspective glasses was quantitatively suggested. In addition, the reproducibility of wearing glasses was evaluated. As a result, the displacement of the glasses wearing position was 0.113×10-3 (m), and the effect of the reproducibility of glasses wearing on the newly developed perspective glasses was about 3.4 years younger than the target age of 70 years old.


perspective glasses, progressive lenses, convergence, accommodation

Onsite visualization of shoe fitting for education of the people with diabetes using 3D scanner: A pilot study(3Dスキャナを利用した糖尿病患者の教育のための靴のフィッティングの可視化:パイロットスタディ)

野口博史 ほか | P.162



野口博史1 大江真琴2 竹原君江3 森 武俊4 真田弘美5,6


  1. 大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科電子情報系専攻
  2. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系
  3. 名古屋大学医学部・医学系研究科看護学専攻基礎・臨床看護学講座
  4. 東京大学次世代知能科学研究センター
  5. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  6. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野





Onsite visualization of shoe fitting for education of the people with diabetes using 3D scanner: A pilot study


Hiroshi Noguchi1 Makoto Oe2 Kimie Takehara3 Taketoshi Mori4 Hiromi Sanada5,6


  1. Department of Electric Information, School of Engineering, Osaka City University
  2. Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  3. Department of Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University
  4. Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research Center, The University of Tokyo
  5. Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  6. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Division of Health Science and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


To prevent diabetic foot ulcers, the nurses teach the patient to select correct shoe size and shape. However, this education is less effective for the people with diabetic neuropathy, because the patient cannot feel contact between shoe and foot. To resolve this problem, we propose the 3D computer graphic visualization of contact between shoe and foot using 3D scanner. Bare feet of three participants were scanned by a portable 3D scanner. Their own shoes were also scanned. The small shoes were prepared as typical ill-fitting shoes, and they were scanned. Contact area between bare foot and shoe 3D models were visualized by our developed 3D visualization software as red color. In their own shoes, red areas were not observed. On the contrary, in the small shoes, the tip of thumb or side of foot were visualized at the toe of shoe or side of shoe. This visualized areas were matched with the feelings of the participants. The result indicated that 3D portable scanner has capability of measurement of 3D foot and shoe contour. This pilot study results also demonstrated that our visualization concept has potential to contribute the education of correct shoe size and shape.


3D measurement, 3DCG, prevention of diabetic foot ulcer


Can the use of a human-shaped communication robot enhance motivation for inpatient rehabilitation?(ヒト型コミュニケーションロボットはリハビリテーションのモチベーションをあげることができるか?)

小谷野結衣子 ほか | P.170



小谷野結衣子1 野口博史2 真田弘美3,4


  1. 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
  2. 大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科電子情報系専攻
  3. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
  4. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター





Can the use of a human-shaped communication robot enhance motivation for inpatient rehabilitation?


Yuiko Koyano1 Hiroshi Noguchi2 Hiromi Sanada3,4


  1. Department of Nursing, The University of Tokyo Hospital
  2. Department of Electric Information, School of Engineering, Osaka City University
  3. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  4. Division of Care Innovation, Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


The decline in motivation for inpatient rehabilitation among older adults after the acute stage of an illness has become an urgent issue. Repeated encouragement and structured verbal feedback during inpatient rehabilitation has been shown to result in sufficient motivation. This study aims to verify whether a human-shaped customizable communication robot (Pepper) can encourage elderly individuals to seek inpatient rehabilitation after the acute phase of an illness. The patient in this study was a 67-year-old man who lacked motivation for rehabilitation and often preferred experienced nurses to inexperienced ones. First, we created a key construct of encouraging phrases used by experienced nurses on a daily basis, which were subsequently integrated into Pepper. Phrases were updated daily for a more targeted behavior. The patient communicated with Pepper and was satisfied with Pepper’s comments. He underwent rehabilitation daily and stopped refusing routine communication with inexperienced nurses. Pepper did not jeopardize his self-respect, because it did not evaluate the patient’s basic conversations. Furthermore, Pepper not only enhanced motivation, but also helped establish a good relationship with inexperienced nurses. The encouragement and structured verbal feedback during inpatient rehabilitation provided by Pepper contributed to the patient’s recovery by enhancing his motivation for rehabilitation.


nursing care, self-respect, structured verbal feedback, encouragement