
看護理工学会誌 8巻



Effects of task type and aging on translational body movements while walking under multiple task conditions(多重課題条件下における歩行中の並進運動に対する課題の種類と加齢の影響)

村上 唯 ほか | P.1



村上 唯1 正源寺 美穂2 渡辺 哲陽3


  1. 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科機械科学専攻
  2. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系高齢者・リハビリテーション看護学分野
  3. 金沢大学理工研究域フロンティア工学系





Effects of task type and aging on translational body movements while walking under multiple task conditions


Yui Murakami1 Miho Shogenji2 Tetsuyou Watanabe3


  1. Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
  2. Department of Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  3. Faculty of Frontier Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University


The aim of this study was to investigate body sway in 3 axial directions while walking under multitask conditions to assess the effects of task type and aging associated with the risk of falling. Body sway was measured with a single 3-axis acceleration sensor attached to the hip. Ten healthy young and 11 elderly individuals participated the experiment. The task conditions were 1) normal walking, walking with the following additional tasks: 2) a visual task, 3) an auditory task, 4) a calculation task, 5) visual and calculation tasks, and 6) auditory and calculation tasks. Significant differences in left-right direction body sway in condition 5 and forward-backward direction body sway in condition 3 were observed between elderly and young people. These results imply that, compared to young people, postural control in elderly individuals is more visually dependent and route changes based on sound prompts lead to excessive attentional load in elderly individuals.


gait analysis, fall risk assessment, hip acceleration


井上 淳 ほか | P.28



井上 淳1 林 敏熙2 花崎 泉2


  1. 東京電機大学工学部
  2. 東京電機大学未来科学部





Analysis of the effects on gait by ankle foot orthosis which soleplate dorsiflexible


Jun Inoue1 Toshihiro Hayashi2 Izumi Hanazaki2


  1. School of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University
  2. School of Science and Technology for Future Life, Tokyo Denki University


The authors have developed an assistive device that allows patients with hemiplegia to train natural walk in early after injury. In this study, we develop a lower limb orthosis with a joint that can dorsiflex the MP joint without elasticity by dividing the sole into three layers and making a cut in the middle layer. In this paper, we compared normal walk and walking with a short leg brace that had two types of plantar parts with joints on the sole and a flat type. We first measured the time taken to walk 5 meters, and then measured the range of movement of the sole pressure center. As a result, it was found that the lower limb orthosis with joints in the sole can walk faster than the flat type lower limb orthosis, and that the center of foot pressure can be moved naturally. In addition, it was clarified that the joint position provided on the sole of the foot matches the human MP joint to produce efficient walking.


gait analysis, assistive technology, sole pressure distribution, lower limb orthosis


田原 裕希恵 ほか | P.38



田原 裕希恵1 綿貫 成明2


  1. 千葉大学大学院看護学研究科健康増進看護学分野生体看護学専門領域
  2. 国立看護大学校看護学部老年看護学





Recognition of nurses for patient reactions to bed exit alarms in general wards


Yukie Tahara1 Shigeaki Watanuki2


  1. Department of Nursing Physiology, Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University
  2. Gerontic Nursing, School of Nursing, National College of Nursing, Japan


【Objective】Previous case studies reported that bed exit alarms used for fall prevention cause uncomfortable feelings and emotions in patients. This study aimed to identify the recognitions by nurses for the reactions of patients under the bed exit alarm system.【Methods】Author-developed questionnaires were distributed to registered nurses and licensed practical nurses working at 211 general hospitals in Japan. The participating nurses were asked about notable experiences with patients in terms of facial expressions and verbalizations in reaction to bed exit alarms. For text analysis, free-text responses were analyzed using morphological analysis software.【Results】A total of 77 hospitals participated in this study. Of the returned responses, 498 valid responses were analyzed. These responses were categorized into 4 categories:“trying to escape from the bed exit alarm,”“unpleasant expression following the bed exit alarm,”“it looks strange that a nurse visits a room without a patient calling for one,”and“apologizing for nurses that frequently visit the rooms.”【Conclusions】It is important to educate nurses about that bed exit alarm can cause distress to patients as a common understanding and to build a system of fall prevention by collaborative care.


bed exit alarm, patient reaction, recognition of nurse, text analysis


Assessing n-back task performance of menstrual adult women: Comparison with and without premenstrual syndrome(成人女性の性周期に伴うn-back課題遂行能の変化と影響要因の検討-月経前症候群の有無による比較-)

青木 真希子 ほか | P.47



青木 真希子1, 2 鈴木 雅登3 岡山 久代4


  1. 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科博士後期課程
  2. 神奈川工科大学健康医療科学部
  3. 兵庫県立大学大学院物質理学研究科
  4. 筑波大学医学医療系


本研究は,成人女性の性周期に伴うワーキングメモリの変化をPMS症状の有無で比較するとともに影響要因を検討することを目的とした.PMS症状を有する群(n=15)では,黄体期に実施した2-back課題の正答率が,PMS症状を有さない群(n=26)と比較して有意な傾向で低かった(p=.07).さらにProfile of Mood Statesの結果,Total Mood Disturbance得点と「抑うつ-落ち込み」にPMS有群とPMS無群で有意な違いが認められた(p=.006, p=.043).一方,Self-rating Depression Scaleと性ホルモン濃度には違いが認められなかった.以上よりワーキングメモリ機能を評価する課題の1つであるn-back課題の遂行能がPMS症状を有する女性において黄体期に低下し,その要因は負の気分に由来する可能性が示唆された.



Assessing n-back task performance of menstrual adult women: Comparison with and without premenstrual syndrome


Makiko Aoki1, 2 Masato Suzuki3 Hisayo Okayama4


  1. Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
  2. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Kanagawa Institute of Technology
  3. Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyogo
  4. Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba


Women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) regularly experience mental and physical symptoms that negatively affect their quality of life. An association between PMS and working memory deficits in premenstrual women has been suggested but remains unclear. The present study assessed the effects of PMS on working memory in 15 women with and 26 without PMS. To assess working memory performance, candidates were asked to perform n-back (0-, 1-, and 2-back) tasks in the luteal and follicular phases of their cycle. In the 2-back task, the correct response rate in the PMS group was 85.9±2.0%, which was marginally lower than the without PMS group (p=.07). In the Profile of Mood States questionnaire, there were significant differences in the total mood disturbance (p=.006) and“depression-dejection”(p=.043) scores between the groups. There were no significant differences in self-rated depression scale scores or sex hormone levels between these groups during the luteal and follicular phases. Our findings suggest that the negative mood in the luteal phase may be a trigger for reduced working memory performance in women with PMS.


premenstrual syndrome, cognitive function, working memory, menstrual cycle

逆流防止弁付き末梢静脈留置カテーテルによる血液への 恐れの変化と看護師の留置技術に及ぼす影響

三橋 美野 ほか | P.77

逆流防止弁付き末梢静脈留置カテーテルによる血液への 恐れの変化と看護師の留置技術に及ぼす影響


三橋 美野1 村山 陵子2, 3 間平 珠美1 内田 美保4 大江 真琴3 真田 弘美3, 5 小見山 智恵子1


  1. 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座アドバンストナーシングテクノロジー
  3. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  4. 公立小松大学保健医療学部看護学科
  5. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野


逆流防止弁付き末梢静脈留置針の使用により,血液への恐れや留置の困難感が軽減するか,穿刺・留置の成功につながっているかを明らかにすることを目的とした.都内大学病院4部署を2群に分け,介入前後を比較した.穿刺時の主観的な経験,STAI(State-Trait Anxiety Inventory),留置成功までの穿刺回数,静脈留置針の操作性などを質問紙にて調査した.対照群26名(307件),介入群25名(292件)が分析対象となった.血液への恐れや焦りは導入前後で軽減したが,STAIの状態不安は導入前後ともに,群間に差はなく,穿刺回数の減少も差は認められなかった.カテーテルの操作性は,介入群で有意に評価が悪い項目があった.しかし血液曝露への恐れ,チューブ接続時の汚染への恐れは軽減していた.カテーテルの操作性の改善は求められたが,逆流防止弁付きカテーテルによって血液への恐れや焦りは軽減しており,感染防止の観点から,穿刺時の血液曝露の予防,接続する際の感染予防に効果がある可能性が示唆された.



Effect of using a peripheral intravenous catheter with a backflow prevention valve on the operator〓s fear level and venipuncture success


Yoshino Mitsuhashi1 Ryoko Murayama2, 3 Tamami Mahira1 Miho Uchida4 Makoto Oe3 Hiromi Sanada3, 5 Chieko Komiyama1


  1. Department of Nursing, The University of Tokyo Hospital
  2. Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  4. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Komatsu University
  5. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


This study aimed to clarify whether the use of a peripheral intravenous catheter with a backflow prevention valve reduces the operator〓s fear level or catheterization difficulty and contributes to venipuncture success. We performed an interventional study at an urban university hospital. The participants were nurses who completed a questionnaire that included questions about the number of puncture attempts, their subjective experience of venipuncture, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The control group comprised 26 nurses who performed patient catheterizations with a conventional catheter (307 catheterizations), while the intervention group comprised 25 nurses who performed catheterizations with a peripheral intravenous catheter with a backflow prevention valve (292 catheterizations). The intervention group felt less fear and discomfort associated with venipuncture than the control group. There were no significant differences between the intervention and control groups in the STAI and the number of puncture attempts. Several evaluations of catheter manipulation were worse in the intervention group than in the control group. However, the subjective experiences of fear of blood exposure and fear of contaminating the catheter junction were reduced in the intervention group. Our findings suggest that using the catheter with a backflow prevention valve reduced the participants〓 level of fear and discomfort, and that the effectiveness of such catheterization may help prevent infection, although catheter manipulation requires improvement.


peripheral intravenous catheter, blood exposure, subjective experience


Validation of ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous catheterization with a probe holder compared to the traditional technique: A single-case experimental study(プローブ固定装置を用いた超音波ガイド下末梢静脈穿刺と従来の末梢静脈穿刺の比較検証)

巻野 雄介 ほか | P.89



巻野 雄介1 宮川 ミカ2 甲斐 倫明3


  1. 日本赤十字豊田看護大学看護学部
  2. 大分記念病院看護部
  3. 大分県立看護科学大学看護学部





Validation of ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous catheterization with a probe holder compared to the traditional technique: A single-case experimental study


Yusuke Makino1 Mika Miyagawa2 Michiaki Kai3


  1. School of Nursing, Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing
  2. Department of Nursing, Oita Memorial Hospital
  3. School of Nursing, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences


This study aimed to determine whether ultrasound (US) guidance with an originally developed probe holder improved the success rate of peripheral intravenous (IV) access among clinical nurses compared to the standard techniques. After confirming that clinical nurses could perform simulated IV access for difficult veins using US guidance with the probe holder, we examined the difference in success rates between US-guided IV (USGIV) access with probe holder and the standard method in a single-case alternate-treatment design. Five nurses who worked in a general hospital participated. For patients without visible veins, they performed 5 standard IV accesses in the baseline phase and also underwent 9 sessions that included two methods per session. The primary outcome was the overall and first-attempt success rate of each IV access. The randomization test revealed that the possibility of success of USGIV access was significantly higher than that of the standard method in 2 out of 5 nurses. Logistic regression analysis showed that the odds ratio was 3.48 (95% confidence interval: 1.33〓9.14) and USGIV access was higher than by the standard method. These results suggest that the USGIV access with the probe holder was superior to the standard method in Japanese clinical settings.


ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access, probe holder, invisible vein, success rate, nurse


Effect of tactile massage on sleep of inpatient female cancer patients(入院治療中の女性がん患者に対するタクティールマッサージの睡眠効果の検証)

坂井 恵子 ほか | P.109



坂井 恵子1 松井 優子2 森河 裕子1 杉森 千代子1 宮永 葵子1 堀 有行3 北本 福美3


  1. 金沢医科大学看護学部
  2. 公立小松大学保健医療学部
  3. 金沢医科大学医学部





Effect of tactile massage on sleep of inpatient female cancer patients


Keiko Sakai1 Yuko Matsui2 Yuko Morikawa1 Chiyoko Sugimori1 Aiko Miyanaga1 Ariyuki Hori3 Fukumi Kitamoto3


  1. School of Nursing, Kanazawa Medical University
  2. Faculty of Health Sciences, Komatsu University
  3. School of Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University


Objective: To elucidate the effect on sleep that tactile massage, a form of tactile therapy, has on female cancer patients undergoing in-hospital treatment. Methods: The participants were 11 cancer patients (mean age: 58.5±23.2 years) undergoing in-hospital therapy. The participants did not receive a massage (non-intervention days=pre intervention). Then, thirty-minute tactile massages were performed daily (intervention days=post intervention). Quantitative data on the participants’ sleep and wakefulness were obtained using actigraphy and their Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) scores were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: Intervention significantly increased the number of naps taken during wakeful periods of time (p<0.05), decreased wake time after sleep onset (p<0.05), and increased sleep efficiency (p<0.05). Investigation of the total PSQI scores indicated that that intervention caused significant decreases (p<0.05). Conclusion: The use of actigraphy and the PSQI indicated that tactile massage intervention performed on female cancer patients undergoing in-hospital treatment improved the patients’ sleep.


tactile massage, nursing intervention, sleep effect, hospitalized patients with cancer, actigraphy


阿部 麻里 ほか | P.122



阿部 麻里1 大江 真琴2 池田 真理3 村山 陵子1,4 小見山 智恵子5 真田 弘美4,6


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座アドバンストナーシングテクノロジー
  2. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系
  3. 東京女子医科大学看護学部看護管理学領域
  4. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  5. 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
  6. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野





Factors affecting blood glucose self-monitoring skill acquisition: Nursing interventions for elderly individuals with diabetes


Mari Abe-Doi1 Makoto Oe2 Mari Ikeda3 Ryoko Murayama1,4 Chieko Komiyama5 Hiromi Sanada4,6


  1. Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  2. Department of Clinical Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  3. Department of Nursing Administration, School of Nursing, Tokyo Women’s Medical University
  4. Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  5. Department of Nursing, The University of Tokyo Hospital
  6. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


Purpose: With the increase in the number of elderly patients with diabetes, there is a need for education of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) skills, as well as for the device development for SMBG suitable for the elderly. This study aims to explore the nursing care given and the factors affecting SMBG skill acquisition for elderly patients. Methods: Focus group interviews with nurses was conducted for data collection, and an inductive analysis was performed. Results: The following parameters were reported as factors influencing the acquisition of the SMBG skills: physical response or deterioration (such as eyesight, hearing ability, and dexterity), adaptability to acquiring a new skill, inadequacy of the educational environment, and a person-device mismatch. The clinical nurses provided care for (1) difficult factors in acquiring SMBG skills, (2) difficulties in acquiring the SMBG skill, and (3) challenges produced by difficulties in acquiring the SMBG skill. Repeatedly facing difficulties might lead to the manifestation of negative emotions, such as frustration, sorrow, and a decreased motivation to learn the SMBG skill. Conclusions: It is important to encourage patients to participate in planning education or evaluation, and provide nursing care to enhance their self-efficacy.


elderly, diabetes, education, self-monitoring of blood glucose


The influence of peripheral intravenous catheterization on the sleep quality of ophthalmic inpatients: An observational study(末梢静脈カテーテル留置が眼科入院患者の睡眠の質に及ぼす影響:観察研究)

村山 陵子 ほか | P.134



村山 陵子1,2 阿部 麻里1 木暮 貴政3 高橋 聡明4 菅野 智穂5 石垣 真理6 真田 弘美2,5


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座アドバンストナーシングテクノロジー
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  3. パラマウントベッド株式会社パラマウントベッド睡眠研究所
  4. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科ライフサポート技術開発学(モルテン)寄附講座
  5. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
  6. 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部





The influence of peripheral intravenous catheterization on the sleep quality of ophthalmic inpatients: An observational study


Ryoko Murayama1,2 Mari Abe-Doi1 Takamasa Kogure3 Toshiaki Takahashi4 Chiho Kanno5 Mariko Ishigaki6 Hiromi Sanada2,5


  1. Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  2. Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Paramount Bed Sleep Research Laboratory, PARAMOUNT BED CO., LTD.
  4. Department of Life Support Technology (Molten), Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  5. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  6. Department of Nursing, The University of Tokyo Hospital


Peripheral intravenous catheterization hinders various daily activities, including sleeping. We aimed to examine the relationship between peripheral intravenous catheter placement and sleep quality by assessing sleep parameters including body movement and subjective sleep quality. An observational study was conducted at an ophthalmic ward of a university hospital in Tokyo. Participants were catheterized in preparation for a surgical procedure the following day (catheterization group). Sleep parameters were observed using a sheet-shaped body vibrometer device, and a sleep quality questionnaire was completed; 53 and 55 participants were present in the catheterization and non-catheterization groups, respectively. No significant differences were noted in sleep parameters or subjective sleep quality between the two groups. However, 36.5% of participants in the catheterization group awoke during the night and worried about their inserted catheter, primarily because of 'pain associated with movement' (63.2%). According to the subgroup analysis, the fragmentation index was higher in participants who experienced pain than in participants who did not experience pain associated with movement (p=0.004), and three of the five subjective sleep quality factors were lower in those experiencing pain compared with the other participants. The comparison of the catheterization and non-catherization groups revealed that peripheral intravenous catheter placement did not reduce sleep quality. Catheter placement influenced the sleep quality of patients who experienced pain associated with body movement due to stimulus from the catheter.


peripheral intravenous catheter placement, sleep parameter, sleep quality questionnaire

Changes in sedentary behavior during pregnancy depending on employment status(雇用状況による妊娠中の座位行動の変化)

川尻舞衣子 ほか | P.151



川尻 舞衣子1 中村 康香1 吉田 美香子1 武石 陽子1 伊藤 直子2 跡上 富美3 吉沢 豊予子1


  1. 東北大学大学院医学系研究科ウィメンズヘルス・周産期看護学分野
  2. 東北大学病院看護部
  3. 久留米大学医学部看護学科


目的:雇用状況による妊婦の身体活動(PA)と座位行動(SB)の変化を明らかにする.方法:健康な初妊婦を対象とする縦断的研究を実施した.PAとSBは,妊娠24~27週(T1)および32~35週(T2)の約1週間,加速度計を用いて測定した.参加者は,T1およびT2の雇用状況に基づき “専業主婦群”,“就労継続群”,“就労中断群” の3群に分類した.結果:34名の妊婦(年齢33.6±4.8歳,非妊時BMI21.6±2.9kg/m2)から,2時点のPAおよびSBデータが収集された.SB累積時間の変化は3群間で有意差を認め(F=3.34,p=0.049),就労中断群は就労継続群と比較しSB累積時間は増加する傾向を認めた(F=4.16,p=0.056).1回のSB継続時間の変化では,就労中断群は中時間SBの頻度がT1からT2にかけて有意に減少し(11.9-10.2回/日,t=3.18,p=0.008),長時間SBの頻度が有意に増加した(4.2-4.7回/日,t=2.85,p=0.015).結論:妊娠中の座位行動の変化は雇用状況によって異なり,仕事をやめることはSB増加のリスク因子であることが示された.



Changes in sedentary behavior during pregnancy depending on employment status


Maiko Kawajiri1 Yasuka Nakamura1 Mikako Yoshida1 Yoko Takeishi1 Naoko Ito2 Fumi Atogami3 Toyoko Yoshizawa1


  1. Department of Women’s Health Nursing & Midwifery, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
  2. Department of Nursing, Tohoku University Hospital
  3. School of Nursing, Kurume University


Aim: To clarify changes in physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) among pregnant women according to employment status. Methods: A prospective study was conducted on healthy primiparous women. PA and SB were measured by an accelerometer for about one week during weeks 24〓27 (T1) and 32-35 (T2) of gestation. The participants were classified into three employment status groups during both trials; “Full-time housewives,” “currently working,” and “stopped working.” Results: Thirty-four women (mean age 33.6±4.8 years; pre-pregnancy BMI 21.6±2.9 kg/m2) provided two points of activity data. Changes in the cumulative SB time were significantly different among the three groups (F=3.34, p=0.049): the cumulative SB among the stopped-working group tended to increase compared with the currently-working group (F=4.16, p=0.056). In the stopped-working group, the frequency of medium SB duration significantly decreased from T1 to T2 (11.9 to 10.2 times/day, t=3.18, p=0.008), while the frequency of long SB duration significantly increased (4.2 to 4.7 times/day, t=-2.85, p=0.015). Conclusion: Changes in SB during pregnancy differed depending on employment status and stopping work was a risk factor for increased SB.


pregnancy, sedentary behavior, occupational health, activity monitor, physical activity

Validation of subcutaneous thickness by students with no experience(操作経験のない学生による超音波診断装置を使用した皮下組織厚測定の妥当性の検証)

松井 優子 ほか | P.162



松井 優子1 坂井 恵子2 宮永 葵子2


  1. 公立小松大学保健医療学部
  2. 金沢医科大学看護学部





Validation of subcutaneous thickness by students with no experience in ultrasonography


Yuko Matsui1 Keiko Sakai2 Aiko Miyanaga2


  1. Faculty of Health Sciences, Komatsu University
  2. Department of Nursing, Kanazawa Medical University


Accurate measurement of subcutaneous thickness is important for correctly performing subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. The objective of the present study was to confirm the validity of subjects with no experience in ultrasonography measuring subcutaneous thickness using an ultrasound device. Subjects were 46 nursing university students, randomly assigned to a manual group (n=23) and an ultrasonic group (n=23). Subcutaneous thickness over the deltoid muscle in 23 healthy adult volunteers was measured manually and using ultrasonic measurements. Subcutaneous thickness as measured by a researcher with expertise in operating ultrasound devices was used as the criterion value. Median values for the criterion value, ultrasonic group, and manual group were 0.8 cm (0.5〓2.0 cm), 0.9 cm (0.5〓1.6 cm), and 2.0 cm (1.3〓5.5 cm), respectively. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of the criterion value compared to the ultrasound group and manual group were .86 (.69〓.97) and .40 (.01〓.69) respectively. Linear regression equations of the criterion value compared to the ultrasound group and manual group were y=1.232x-0.218 (R2=.809) and y=0.235x+0.411 (R2=.296), respectively. An ultrasound device is therefore an effective device for inexperienced students to accurately measure subcutaneous thickness in clinical practice.


ultrasonography, subcutaneous thickness, measurement, validity, beginner

CIE DE2000色差式を用いた尿検査用試験紙の色比較手法と尿自動分析装置との判定結果の比較

稲垣 圭吾 | P.170

CIE DE2000色差式を用いた尿検査用試験紙の色比較手法と尿自動分析装置との判定結果の比較


稲垣 圭吾1


  1. 浜松医科大学医学部看護学科


尿自動分析装置の導入がむずかしい開業医や小規模検診施設などでは,尿検査用試験紙を目視で判定する際,色票を用いて,個々の主観による判定がされており,客観的に評価する方法は確立していない.本研究では,尿検査用試験紙の色を客観的に判断するため,スマートフォンのカメラで撮影した画像を用いて,CIE DE2000色差式による色比較プログラムを開発した.本手法では,判断基準表とマウスで選択した画像の部分との色差を色比較プログラムによって計算し,色差が最も小さい色を判定結果として出力した.本手法と尿自動分析装置の判定結果を比較したところ,尿定性検査用コントロールlevelⅠを使用した陰性の判定は,すべての項目が一致した.LevelⅡを使用した陽性の判定は,ブドウ糖,潜血,クレアチニンの項目以外はすべて一致した.本結果より,安価で簡便なスクリーニング検査の可能性が示された.



Comparison of judgment results between the color comparison method of urine analysis test papers using the CIE DE2000 color-difference formula and the automatic urine analyzer


稲垣 圭吾1


  1. 浜松医科大学医学部看護学科


In general practice and small-scale health screening centers where the introduction of an automatic urine analyzer is difficult, the urine analysis test papers are judged visually and, therefore, the observer makes a subjective judgment. No method has so far has been established for objective visual evaluation of urine analysis test papers. In this study, we developed a color comparison program using the CIE DE2000 color-difference formula using images taken with a smartphone camera to objectively judge the color of the urine analysis test paper. The color difference between the standard color sample and the part of the image selected by the mouse was calculated using the color comparison program. The color with the smallest color difference was output as the judgment result. The results of the color comparison program were compared with the results of the automatic urine analyzer. On the judgment of the normal values using the urine qualitative control solution level I, all items of comparison were consistent between the two methods. The judgment of abnormal values using level II was consistent except for the items of glucose, occult blood, and creatinine. In conclusion, we validated the possibility of developing an inexpensive and simple screening test.


color difference, urine analysis test paper, image analysis, objective evaluation


土屋 守克 ほか | P.177

ウェアラブルカメラの動画解析による基礎看護技術評価の試み -ベッドメイキング技術の熟練度の縦断的な検討-


土屋 守克1,2 伊藤 幸太3 柳田 徳美4 藤田 文子5 髙橋 誠一6 渡邊 裕見子7 齋藤 孝子4 坂上 貴之8 眞邉 一近1,9


  1. 日本大学大学院総合社会情報研究科
  2. 日本医療科学大学保健医療学部看護学科
  3. 大阪大学人間科学研究科生物人類学分野
  4. 帝京平成大学ヒューマンケア学部看護学科
  5. 目白大学看護学部看護学科
  6. 埼玉医科大学総合医療センター看護部
  7. 東京医科大学医学部看護学科
  8. 慶應義塾大学
  9. 日本大学生物資源科学部





Assessment of basic nursing skills by video analysis of wearable cameras: A longitudinal examination of proficiency in bed-making techniques


Morikatsu Tsuchiya1,2 Kohta Ito3 Narumi Yanagida4 Ayako Fujita5 Seiichi Takahashi6 Yumiko Watanabe7 Takako Saito4 Takayuki Sakagami8 Kazuchika Manabe1,9


  1. Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Nihon University
  2. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nihon Institute of Medical Science
  3. Laboratory of Biological Anthropology, Department of Human Sciences, Osaka University
  4. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Care, Teikyo Heisei University
  5. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mejiro University
  6. Nursing Office, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University
  7. School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical University
  8. Keio University
  9. College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University


The purpose of this study was to compare the longitudinal changes and differences between skilled and novice bed-makers by measuring the amount of activity based on video (hereinafter referred to as“video activity”), and to evaluate the usefulness of the video activity in assessing the subject’s level of skill. METHODS: One expert and eight novices were included in the study. The subject wore a wearable camera on her chest and performed bed making. In order to calculate the video activity, we used optical flow, cumulative video activity and entropy of video activity, as well as hierarchical cluster analysis. RESULTS: Both cumulative video activity and video activity entropy decreased in many beginners on the second occasion. Skilled participants had the lowest entropy of video activity in both the first and second sessions. CONCLUSION: The fact that there were changes over time and differences between novices and experts in the values calculated from the amount of video activity suggested that the video activity has potential as an indicator of“proficiency”in nursing techniques.


optical flow, wearable camera, basic nursing skills, activity, entropy

Attempt to quantify the presence of interstitial fluid using the counterforce generated from body during compression(圧迫時に身体から生じる反力を用いた組織間液の存在状態の定量化の試み)

多鹿 理絵 ほか | P.185



多鹿 理絵1 築田 誠2 石井 豊恵3 岡田 志麻4 川名 裕治5 野口 藍子6 佐藤 百恵6 谷浦 葉子6 平野 方子7 浅田 久子8 居村 晴美8 大野 悦子8


  1. 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科博士課程前期課程
  2. 兵庫県立大学看護学部
  3. 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科
  4. 立命館大学理工学部
  5. 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科博士課程後期課程
  6. 大阪大学医学部附属病院看護部
  7. 大阪大学大学院医学研究科保健学専攻博士課程後期課程
  8. パナソニック健康保険組合松下介護老人保健施設はーとぴあ





Attempt to quantify the presence of interstitial fluid using the counterforce generated from body during compression


Rie Tajika1 Makoto Tsukuda2 Atsue Ishii3 Shima Okada4 Yuji Kawana5 Aiko Noguchi6 Momoe Satoh6 Yoko Taniura6 Masako Hirano7 Hisako Asada8 Harumi Imura8 Etsuko Oono8


  1. Master’s Course, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University
  2. College of Nursing Art and Science, University of Hyogo
  3. Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University
  4. Ritsumeikan University, College of Science Engineering
  5. Doctor’s Course, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University
  6. Division of Nursing, Osaka University Hospital
  7. Doctor’s Course, Division of Health Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
  8. Heartpia, Matsushita Long-Term Care Health Facility, Panasonic Health Insurance Association


To evaluate edema, the depth of surface imprint is measured. The depth is influenced by the amount of the counterforce generated by the body. We devised a method to quantify the presence of the interstitial fluid using the counterforce generated from the body surface during compression. This study used a pressure sensor to detect the counterforce. The “elderly group” comprised 27 elderly people, and the “young group” comprised 12 young people. The pressure sensor was strapped on the legs with a cuff. Air was gradually pumped into the cuff, and the counterforce received by the pressure sensor was output. The increase in the counterforce at lower pressures was 2.15 N in the elderly group and 1.09 N in the young group (P<0.01). The increase in the counterforce at medium pressures was 1.92 N in the elderly group and 1.38 N in the young group (P<0.01). The increase in the counterforce at higher pressures was 1.91 N in the elderly group and 1.61 N in the young group (P=0.14). All values are average values. Our findings indicate that it is possible to quantify the presence of the interstitial fluid by observing the counterforce generated from the body surface during compression.


edema, body composition, quantification, elderly people


内藤 紀代子 ほか | P.194



内藤 紀代子1,2 二宮 早苗3 森川 茂廣4 遠藤 善裕5 岡山 久代6


  1. びわこ学院大学教育福祉学部
  2. 筑波大学人間総合科学研究科看護科学専攻博士後期課程
  3. 大阪医科大学看護学部
  4. 滋賀医科大学神経難病研究センター
  5. 滋賀医科大学医学部看護学科
  6. 筑波大学医学医療系





The effect of pelvic floor muscle training using a magnetic resonance image-based video clip in postpartum women


Kiyoko Naito1,2 Sanae Ninomiya3 Shigehiro Morikawa4 Yoshihiro Endo5 Hisayo Okayama6


  1. Department of Childhood Care, Faculty of Education Welfare, Biwako Gakuin University
  2. Doctoral Program Nursing Science, University of Tsukuba
  3. Faculty of Nursing, Osaka Medical College
  4. Molecular Neuroscience Research Center, Shiga University of Medical Science
  5. Department of Nursing, Shiga University of Medical Science
  6. Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) in postpartum women using a magnetic resonance (MR) image-based video clip that can clearly confirm the elevation in the position of the bladder neck during voluntary contraction of pelvic floor muscles. Seventy-four women, who had vaginal delivery 3〓6 months earlier, were randomized into 3 groups: observation group without intervention (A), conventional PFMT group using a leaflet (B), and the group using an MR video clip (C). Women in groups B and C continued PFMT at home for 12 weeks after receiving instructions concerning the PFMT. We compared the maximum force and duration of contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, measured using an external biofeedback device, before and after the 12-week intervention. The maximum force and duration of contraction were significantly increased in three groups after the intervention. Moreover, the maximum contraction force in group C was significantly stronger than that in groups A and B (P<0.001 in both groups). The MR video clip might be a useful instructive tool for PFMT.


pelvic floor muscle training, magnetic resonance images, functional evaluation of the pelvic floor muscles


木森 佳子 ほか | P.203



木森 佳子1 山下 大揮2 小嶋 菊乃3 中嶋 知世1


  1. 石川県立看護大学基礎看護学講座
  2. 公立松任石川中央病院看護部
  3. 石川県立中央病院看護部





Optimal wavelength selection and narrow bands for the visualization of invisible veins in venipuncture


Keiko Kimori1 Hiroki Yamashita2 Kikuno Kojima3 Tomoyo Nakashima1


  1. Department of Fundamental Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
  2. Nursing Department, Public Central Hospital of Matto Ishikawa
  3. Nursing Department, Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital


Detection of veins is a very important technique in the medical practice. Recently, vein visualization using near-infrared (NIR) imaging have been used to detect veins. Different researchers have set different wavelengths for the process. We explored the most suitable near-infrared light wavelengths and the effectiveness of using narrow bands for visualizing invisible peripheral veins for venipuncture. An observational study was performed on the invisible veins of healthy female volunteers in the age range 20-39. We then acquired images of invisible veins using a halogen lamp and hyperspectral camera. We analyzed 4,640 images of 58 invisible veins acquired using light in the range 700-1100 nm; image analysis software was used for the analysis. The optimal wavelength for the visualization of invisible veins according to the contrast ratio between the invisible veins and the surrounding skin tissue was approximately 950-1000 nm; a narrow band of light in that range was effective for the average contrast ratio. We expect that a device based on a narrow band in the wavelength range 950-1000 nm will be useful for the visualization of invisible veins.


peripheral intravenous access, near-infrared light, visualization


Inhibiting effect of synthetic urine on the growth and mobility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella pneumoniae shifts to a promoting effect during culture(Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Escherichia coli,Proteus mirabilisおよびKlebsiella pneumoniaeの増殖および運動性への人工尿の抑制効果は培養中に促進的効果に変化する)

Sofoklis Koudounas ほか | P.220

Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Escherichia coli,Proteus mirabilisおよびKlebsiella pneumoniaeの増殖および運動性への人工尿の抑制効果は培養中に促進的効果に変化する


Sofoklis Koudounas1,2 峰松 健夫1,2 麦田 裕子3 冨田 早苗3 中井 彩乃3 仲上 豪二朗1,3 真田 弘美1,3


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座スキンケアサイエンス
  3. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野





Inhibiting effect of synthetic urine on the growth and mobility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella pneumoniae shifts to a promoting effect during culture


Sofoklis Koudounas1,2 Takeo Minematsu1,2 Yuko Mugita3 Sanai Tomida3 Ayano Nakai3 Gojiro Nakagami1,3 Hiromi Sanada1,3


  1. Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  2. Department of Skincare Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


Incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) is caused from the repeated exposure to urine/faeces and reduces quality of life. However, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. This study explored the effects of urine on the growth and motility of common uropathogens. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae were grown for 24 hrs at 37℃ in Luria-Bertani (LB) medium supplemented with various concentrations of synthetic urine. Bacterial growth was monitored over time by measuring absorbance at 600nm. Swimming, swarming, and twitching motilities were determined in cultures of LB with (1:1 ratio) and without synthetic urine. Results demonstrated that bacterial growth was inhibited during early phase (0-6 hrs), and enhanced after 8 hrs. For P. mirabilis and K. pneumoniae, the increase in growth was in a dose-dependent manner. Swimming motility of P. mirabilis was inhibited. This study suggested the different effect of fresh and infectious urine on the bacterial growth, which is important to understand the mechanisms of IAD development due to urine incontinence.


incontinence-associated dermatitis, synthetic urine, urinary incontinence, urinary infections


村上 唯 ほか | P.230



村上 唯1 正源寺 美穂2 渡辺 哲陽3


  1. 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科機械科学専攻
  2. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系老年・リハビリテーション看護学分野
  3. 金沢大学理工研究域フロンティア工学系


本研究の目的は,多重課題条件下での歩行中の腰を起点とした体幹軸の3軸周りの身体の回転を調査し,転倒リスクに関する動揺,動揺が起こる軸,課題条件,加齢の影響の関係を明らかにすることである.2つのInertia Measurement Unitセンサを被験者の腰部と肩部に取り付け,腰から見た肩の回転を測定した.10人の若年健常者と11人の高齢者が実験に参加した.課題条件は,①通常歩行,②視覚課題と歩行,③聴覚課題と歩行,④計算課題と歩行,⑤視覚,計算課題と歩行,⑥聴覚,計算課題と歩行である.高齢者と若年者の歩行路変更を含む課題条件下の歩行を比較したとき,体幹のひねり・前後回転方向の少なくとも二方向にて加齢の影響がみられた.高齢者と若年者のおのおので通常歩行と多重課題条件下の歩行を比較したとき,高齢者では少なくとも前後回転方向・左右回転方向の二方向において有意差が表れたが,若年者では三重課題条件下のみで単回転方向に有意差が表れた.



Effects of task type and aging on shoulder rotational movement with respect to the hips while walking under multiple task conditions


Yui Murakami1 Miho Shogenji2 Tetsuyou Watanabe3


  1. Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
  2. Department of Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  3. Faculty of Frontier Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University


The aim of this study is to investigate body rotation around the three trunk axes with respect to the hip while walking under multitask conditions, and to clarify the relationship between body sway and the influence of the axis in which the sway occurs, task conditions, and aging. The Inertia Measurement Unit sensors were attached to the hip and shoulder of the subjects and the shoulder rotation with respect the hip was examined. Ten healthy young and 11 older individuals participated the experiment. The task conditions were 1) normal walking, 2) walking with a visual task, 3) walking with an auditory task, 4) walking with a calculation task, 5) walking with visual and calculation tasks, and 6) walking with auditory and calculation tasks. When comparing the gait of older people and young people under task conditions including the change of walking path, the aging effects were observed in at least two directions: trunk twist and front-back rotation. When comparing walking under multiple tasks with normal walking for older people and young people separately, older people showed significant differences at least in the forward-backward and left-right rotation, while the younger showed significant differences appeared in the single rotation direction only under triple task conditions.


gait analysis, fall risk assessment, shoulder rotation angle



Heart rate variability and changes in autonomic nervous system indicators before and after standing with aid from a robot or other person’s support(ロボットもしくは介助による起立前後の心拍数の変動および自律神経指標の変化)

浅野 美礼 | P.11



浅野 美礼1


  1. 筑波大学医学医療系





Heart rate variability and changes in autonomic nervous system indicators before and after standing with aid from a robot or other person's support


Yoshihiro Asano 1


  1. Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba


Aim: This study compared changes in autonomic nerve indicators of high frequency (HF) norm and low frequency (LF)/HF ratio among young and elderly participants before and after standing: when actively standing up, when passively standing up with assistance from others, and when standing up with the aid of a lower-limb power-assisted robot (HAL) from a sitting position on a 40 cm-high chair. Methods: The sample comprised 11 healthy young and 14 elderly individuals aged 20〓26 years (mean: 22.5±2.2) and 66〓77 years (mean: 70.3±3.5), participants were asked to stand up under 3 different conditions and electrocardiogram measurements and blood pressure were measured. Results and Conclusion: Young and elderly participants showed decreased RRI across all conditions and no significant differences in average blood pressure were found before or after standing. Decreased HF norm and increased LF/HF ratio showed excitation of the sympathetic nerves, increasing blood pressure to compensate for and prevent orthostatic hypotension. Such compensation was likely not due to age although significant differences were found in the coefficient variance of RRI between young and elderly participants. HAL standing proved to have a marginal impact on young and elderly persons' circulatory dynamics.


hybrid assistive limb, assisted standing, orthostatic hypotension, autonomic nervous activity

ウェアラブルカメラの動画に基づく活動量による 基礎看護技術の評価の試み−ベッドメイキングにおける熟練者と初心者の比較−

土屋 守克 ほか | P.101



土屋 守克1,2 伊藤 幸太3 柳田 徳美4 藤田 文子5 髙橋 誠一6 渡邊 裕見子7 坂上 貴之8 眞邉 一近1,9


  1. 日本大学大学院総合社会情報研究科
  2. 日本医療科学大学保健医療学部看護学科
  3. 大阪大学人間科学研究科生物人類学分野
  4. 帝京平成大学ヒューマンケア学部看護学科
  5. 目白大学看護学部看護学科
  6. 埼玉医科大学総合医療センター看護部
  7. 東京医科大学医学部看護学科
  8. 慶應義塾大学
  9. 日本大学生物資源科学部





Assessment of basic nursing skills by activity based on wearable camera video: Comparison between expert and novice nurses in bed-making


Morikatsu Tsuchiya1,2 Kohta Ito3 Narumi Yanagida4 Ayako Fujita5 Seiichi Takahashi6 Yumiko Watanabe7 Takayuki Sakagami8 Kazuchika Manabe1,9


  1. Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Nihon University
  2. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nihon Institute of Medical Science
  3. Laboratory of Biological Anthropology, Department of Human Sciences, Osaka University
  4. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Care, Teikyo Heisei University
  5. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mejiro University
  6. Nursing Office, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University
  7. School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical University
  8. Keio University
  9. College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University


Purpose: This study aims to assess video-based activity (hereinafter referred to as“video activity”) and acceleration for bed-making techniques simultaneously and compare the differences between expert and novice participants. It also investigates the characteristics of video activity. Methods: An expert nurse (nursing faculty member) and three novices (nursing students) were included in the study. The subjects used a wearable camera and smartphone on their chest and were asked to perform bed-making. Optical flow was used to calculate the video activity. Results: Video activity and acceleration were lower in skilled participants, and work time was shorter in the expert participant. The entropy of video activity and acceleration was the lowest for the expert participant, and a level of proficiency was exhibited by the novice participants. Conclusion: The values calculated from video activity and acceleration differed between expert and novice participants. It was suggested that this could be used as an indicator of proficiency in nursing techniques.


hybrid assistive limb, assisted standing, orthostatic hypotension, autonomic nervous activity



Effect of fabrics with attached lavender oil microcapsules on sleep quality: A pilot study(ラベンダー精油を内包したマイクロカプセルを塗布したシートの睡眠の質に対する効果:パイロットスタディ)

横野 知江 ほか | P.58



横野知江1 内山美枝子1 坂上百重2 柏 美智2 田口佳成3 久保泰雄4


  1. 新潟大学大学院保健学研究科
  2. 新潟大学医学部保健学科
  3. 新潟大学大学院自然科学研究科
  4. アロマジャパン



Effect of fabrics with attached lavender oil microcapsules on sleep quality: A pilot study


Tomoe Yokono1 Mieko Uchiyama1 Momoe Sakagami2 Michi Kashiwa2 Yoshinari Taguchi3 Yasuo Kubo4


  1. Graduate School of Health Sciences, Niigata University
  2. School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
  3. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University
  4. Aroma Japan


Objective: To evaluate whether fabrics with attached lavender oil microcapsules effectively increase the sleep quality. Methods: A before-after comparative study was conducted at the participants’ homes to monitor their sleep patterns. Five consecutive weekdays were followed as the control, and the following five consecutive weekdays were followed as the aromatherapy intervention using fabrics attached with lavender oil microcapsules. Primary outcomes were objective measures of sleep qualities, such as sleep latency, waking time after sleep onset, sleep efficiency, and light sleep. Secondary outcomes were subjective measures of sleep qualities, such as“ease in falling asleep”and“feeling of deep sleep”scored from 1 (“very bad”) to 5 (“very good”). Results: A total of 15 participants were analyzed. The difference in objective parameters was not statistically significant, whereas“ease in falling asleep”and“feeling of deep sleep”as subjective parameters were statistically significant. Effect sizes showed in this study were found from d=0.20 to 0.39, and the required total sample sizes were found from 54 to 207 in objective parameters. Conclusions: Since this sheet may be effective in improving sleep quality, verification with expanded sample size is required in the future.


Deep temperature difference in young women with hie (cold sensation) and demonstrating a simple method for hie evaluation: A pilot study(冷えの自覚がある若年女性の深部温度較差の実態と簡易的な冷え評価方法の提示:予備研究)

鏡(関塚)真美 ほか | P.65



鏡(関塚)真美1 船藤万誉2 大貝和裕1 根本 鉄1


  1. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系
  2. 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科博士前期課程修了生



Deep temperature difference in young women with hie (cold sensation) and demonstrating a simple method for hie evaluation: A pilot study


Naomi Sekizuka-Kagami1 Maho Funato2 Kazuhiro Ogai1 Tetsu Nemoto1


  1. Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
  2. Completed the Master’s Program, Graduate School of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University


Objective: This study aimed to determine the differences between the core body and peripheral temperatures of young women with hie using deep temperature, and to demonstrate an objective and simple method for hie evaluation. Methods: This study measured the deep body and skin temperatures of 24 young women from July to October 2018. We divided the participants into two groups: a hie group who has awareness of cold sensation and a non-hie group. We compared the deep temperature difference between the forehead and the instep in the two groups. We calculated the ratio of the number of pixels below a specific temperature to the total number of pixels in the instep based on a thermographic image. Results: Nine participants were in the hie group and 15 were in the non-hie group. The deep temperature difference of the hie group was significantly larger than that of the non-hie group (p=0.030). The temperature difference positively correlated with the ratio of pixels for the temperature distribution 〓31.0 ℃ on the instep (rs=0.869, p<0.001). Conclusion: Young women with a large deep temperature difference can be simply screened by thermography based on the ratio of the low-temperature region of the instep.


Changes in scalp epidermal thickness using in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: A case series(乳がん患者における抗がん剤治療中の頭皮の厚みの変化:ケースレポー

玉井 奈緒 ほか | P.143



玉井 奈緒1,2 峰松 健夫2,3 真田 弘美2,4


  1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座イメージング看護学
  2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
  3. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座スキンケアサイエンス
  4. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野


目的と方法:抗がん剤は,正常な頭皮の毛母細胞や神経線維,基底細胞にもダメージを与え,痛みや痒みを引き起こす.われわれは,頭皮の痛みや痒みの予測として頭皮の厚みの変化に着目した.本研究では,乳がんで抗がん剤治療を受けている患者の頭皮の厚みの変化と痛み・痒みの関係を予備的に調査した.頭皮の厚みの測定は,in vivo共焦点レーザー顕微鏡を用いた.結果:症例1)33歳女性.抗がん剤開始時から24週後まで頭皮の痒みを訴え,抗がん剤投与中に頭皮の厚みの減少を認めた.症例2)37歳女性.抗がん剤投与3週後に頭皮の痛みと痒みが生じた.抗がん剤投与中に頭皮の厚みは減少した.症例3)44歳女性.脱毛中に頭皮の痛みと痒みを訴え,頭皮の紅斑と糜爛が発生した.頭皮の厚みは抗がん剤投与中に減少していた.結論:抗がん剤投与中の頭皮の厚みと頭皮の痛みや痒みの関係を経時的に観察できた.in vivo共焦点レーザー顕微鏡は非侵襲的であり,頭皮の症状を予測に役立つ可能性が示唆された.

Changes in scalp epidermal thickness using in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: A case series


Nao Tamai1,2 Takeo Minematsu2,3 Hiromi Sanada2,4


  1. Department of Imaging Nursing Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  2. Division of Care Innovation, Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  3. Department of Skincare Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  4. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo


Aims and methods: Chemotherapy agents cause damage to the scalp, including hair matrix cells, an inflammatory response activating c-fibers, or basal cells, and induce pain and itching on the scalp. We preliminarily investigated the relationship between epidermal thickness and scalp pain and itching in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Epidermal thickness was measured as the depth from the top level of the stratum granulosum using in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM). Results: Case 1: A 33-year-old Japanese woman complained of scalp itching from baseline to 24 weeks later. Her epidermal thickness decreased during chemotherapy. Case 2: A 37-year-old Japanese woman exhibited scalp pain and itching three weeks later. Her epidermal thickness decreased during chemotherapy. Case 3: A 44-year-old Japanese woman complained of scalp pain and itching during hair loss. Erythema and eczema simultaneously appeared on her scalp. Her epidermal thickness decreased during chemotherapy. Conclusion: This study confirmed the relationship between epidermal thickness and scalp pain and itching during chemotherapy. RCM measurements are non-invasive methods and may be useful in predicting scalp symptoms.


小宮山 春美 ほか | P.211



小宮山 春美1


  1. 人間総合科学大学保健医療学部看護学科



Evaluation of smartphone applications designed in husband education that promotes communication between couples


Harumi Komiyama1


  1. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Human Arts and Sciences