看護理工学会誌 12巻
初学者を対象とした非対面での膀胱エコー教育による 技術習得度に対する効果検証:対面教育・遠隔ライブ 教育・VR オンデマンド教育の比較
松本 勝1,2 大西 陽子2 下橋 和也3 杉浦 裕愛3 山本 翔子3 大橋 史弥2,4 峰松 健夫2 真田 弘美5 紺家 千津子2
- 石川県立看護大学大学院看護学研究科共同研究講座ウェルビーイング看護学
- 石川県立看護大学成人・老年看護学講座成人看護学
- 石川県立看護大学看護学部看護学科
- 石川県立看護大学成人・老年看護学講座老年看護学
- 石川県立看護大学
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
これまで対面が前提であった看護師のためのエコー教育が新興感染症流行下では受講しにくい状況にあった.本研究ではそれを解決するための非対面教育の開発と効果検証を行った. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
今後さまざまなエコー技術やほかの看護技術に応用し,対面で実施できない場合の代替教育として提案することができる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
非対面教育,ビデオ会議システム,virtual reality,超音波検査(エコー),膀胱内尿量The effect of nonface-to-face bladder ultrasound education on skill acquisition for beginners: a comparison of face-to-face, live distance, and virtual reality-on-demand education
Masaru Matsumoto1,2 Yoko Onishi2 Kazuya Shitahashi3 Yua Sugiura3 Shoko Yamamoto3 Fumiya Oohashi2,4 Takeo Minematsu2 Hiromi Sanada5 Chizuko Konya2
- Department of Well-being Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Department of Adult Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Faculty of Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Department of Gerontological Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
Objective: To develop a remote, live ultrasound education program using video conferencing and an on-demand ultrasound program utilizing virtual reality (VR) as nonface-to-face modes of education to obtain learning outcomes comparable to those of face-to-face education for beginners. Methods: Undergraduate nursing students, the participants, were divided into face-to-face, remote live, and VR-on-demand groups; each group was enrolled in a 30-min program. The volume of the participants’ bladder urine was measured using ultrasonography. Then, the difference between the measured volume (ml) and the true value was calculated for each group and compared among the three groups. Furthermore, subjectivity was assessed after the completion of the program. Results: There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of the value of the difference between the bladder urine volume (ml) and the true value. The face-to-face/remote live group demonstrated considerably higher satisfaction than the other two groups, whereas the remote live group showed considerably higher comprehension than the VR on-demand group. Conclusions: A new educational program enabling beginners to learn how to measure the amount of urine in the bladder using ultrasonography in 30 min is as effective in nonface-to-face education as in face-to-face education.Keyword
nonface-to-face education, video conferencing system, virtual reality, ultrasonography, urine volume in the bladder速報
野里 同1 菊池 佑弥1
- 岩手医科大学看護学部
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
α1作用の弱いドブタミン塩酸塩が漏出した際に,その作用の活性化を予防する処置が有効であるかは不明であるため検討する必要がある. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
ドブタミン塩酸塩の漏出性皮膚傷害に対するエビデンスに基づく確かなケアの確立に向けた基礎資料となることが期待できる. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
ドブタミン,血管外漏出,皮膚傷害,局所注射,α遮断薬Effects of local alpha-blocker injection for skin lesions induced by extravasation of administered dobutamines: A preliminary study
Hitoshi Nozato1 Yuya Kikuchi1
- School of Nursing, Iwate Medical University
Purpose: To examine the effectiveness of local alpha-blocker injection for prevention of alpha-1 receptor activation in development of skin lesions induced by extravasation of administered dobutamine using a rat model. Methods: Skin lesions were induced in rats by subcutaneous injection of dobutamine into the back skin, and the rats were divided into two groups - a group given topical injection of alpha-blocker and an untreated group - and observed for 3 days. Results: In the group given topical injection of alpha-blocker, six out of ten injection sites turned black on the first day, and this gradually became ulcerated by the third day. On the other hand, in the untreated group, six out of ten injection sites also turned black on the first day, and this gradually became ulcerated by the third day in all of them. Conclusion: When extravasation of dobutamine occurs, prevention of alpha-1 receptor activation has been recommended. However, the present findings suggest that rats develop ulcers irrespective of whether or not they have received topical injection of alpha-blocker.Keyword
dobutamine, extravasation, skin lesions, local injection, alpha-blocker英語論文
Validation of liquid-phase method of skin blot samples(スキンブロットサンプル液相化法の妥当性評価)
大貝 和裕1 長谷川 陽子1 加藤 克典2 瀧澤 理穂3 額 奈々3 今方 裕子3 大西 陽子3 松本 智里3 松本 勝3,4 臺 美佐子3 紺家 千津子3 峰松 健夫3
- 石川県立看護大学大学院看護学研究科共同研究講座看護理工学
- 石川県立看護大学大学院看護学研究科看護学専攻成人看護学分野
- 石川県立看護大学看護学部成人看護学
- 石川県立看護大学大学院看護学研究科共同研究講座ウェルビーイング看護学
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
非侵襲的に全身状態を評価できる方法の1つであるスキンブロッティングは測定に実験室レベルの技術を要するため,より簡便な測定方法を開発する必要があった. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
スキンブロットサンプルの液相化によって,イムノクロマトのような簡便な測定方法を活用できる可能性が示された. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
スキンブロッティング,タンパク質,液相化,妥当性Validation of liquid-phase method of skin blot samples
Kazuhiro Ogai1 Yoko Hasegawa1 Katsunori Kato2 Riho Takizawa3 Nana Nuka3 Yuko Imakata3 Yoko Onishi3 Chisato Matsumoto3 Masaru Matsumoto3,4 Misako Dai3 Chizuko Konya3 Takeo Minematsu3
- Department of Bio-engineering Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Department of Adult Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Department of Adult Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
- Department of Wellbeing Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University
Skin blotting is a method to non-invasively evaluate local cytokines and other substances in the skin. Still, its clinical application is difficult due to the need for advanced immunostaining techniques. The liquid-phase method, which collects skin blot samples in liquid form, has the potential for simple testing, but the validity of liquid-phase method needs to be clarified. This study evaluated the validity of the liquid-phase method by assessing (1) the recovery rate of liquid-phase protein and (2) the correlation between the amount of applied protein and that of protein recovered by the liquid-phase method, using five types of proteins. The results showed that (1) while the recovery rate of urease was significantly lower (P=0.046), (2) there was a significant, high correlation (0.90≤r≤0.98; P<0.05) between the amount of applied and liquid-phased proteins for all proteins. Therefore, the validity of the liquid-phase skin blot sample method was demonstrated quantitatively.Keyword
skin blotting, protein, liquid phase, validity実践報告
望月 麻紀1 鈴木 美穂2
- 東大和病院看護部
- 慶應義塾大学看護医療学部
- 今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?
看護学生の解剖生理学の学習は,看護実践において必要性を自覚し,能動的に習得しようとする自律的動機ではなく,定期試験や国家試験といった他律的動機による一時的なものになりやすく,学生のうちから自律的動機を強化できるとよいと考えました.筆者は在学時にエコーのハンズオン講習で生体内部を観察し,解剖生理学の学習意欲が高まりました. - この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?
看護師養成課程におけるエコーの教育効果の新たな可能性を検討しました.エコーを用いる教育と用いない従来の教育の1ヵ月後の効果を,自ら学ぶ意欲と解剖生理学の学習姿勢の自己評価により,無作為化比較試験でくらべる方法を提示しました. - 今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?
The Impact of nursing students’ use of ultrasound on their motivation to learn anatomy and physiology: A pilot trial
Maki Mochizuki1 Miho Suzuki2
- Higashiyamato Hospital, Division of Nursing
- Keio University, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care