看護理工学会誌 3巻2号
豊増佳子1 川口孝泰2
- 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科
- 筑波大学医学医療系
医療環境が急速に変化するなかで,多様な医療ニーズを有する人々が,医療サービスの施設を選択する際には,医療情報の提供方法や内容が重要なカギとなる.そこで,本稿では,日本における「医療情報の整備」と「医療機能情報提供制度」の現状について解説したうえで,「クラウド化(a cloud service)」や「IoT(Internet of things)」などによって進化する情報化によってもたらされる,在宅医療における看護情報の未来について考察した.キーワード
医療機能情報提供制度,医療情報,看護情報The future of nursing information as viewed from“Medical Function Information Provision System”
Keiko Toyomasu1 Takayasu Kawaguchi2
- Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
The dynamics of the healthcare environment are changing rapidly. The methods and contents to provide healthcare information should be essential when people with various needs for healthcare choose services and facilities for health care. In this paper, the current status of healthcare information and“Medical Function Information Provision System”will be discussed. Also, future applications of“Internet of Things”and“Cloud Service”for nursing information in the home care will be suggested.Keyword
Medical Function Information Provision System,healthcare information,nursing informationKinectを用いた離床認識システムの開発
真田 慎1 岡田志麻2
- 近畿大学大学院総合理工学研究科メカニックス系工学専攻
- 近畿大学理工学部機械工学科
離床認識,深度センサ,転落危険Development of getting up recognition system using kinect sensor
Makoto Sanada1 Shima Okada2
- Graduate School of Science and Engineering Research, Major of Mechanical Engineering, Kindai University攻
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kindai University
The dementia patients sometimes wander about in the city or the building at night. So, the probability of their having an accident is increased. Furthermore, care receivers have an accident when they climb off a bed. And, the prevention of the wandering about at night is a heavy load for the caregiver because they can’t take an adequate sleep. Therefore, we developed a system for recognition of the patient’s getting out of bed using Kinect. In this study, we set up Kinect several meters away from a bed. We extract bed frame from depth value using Kinect. In addition, we estimate the subject state from change of depth value on bed frame. We need to set up value of bed size and distance between Kinect and bed for to extract bed frame without being affected by object around the bed. This system can recognizes the subject state of“Getting out of Bed”,“Lying”,“Sitting”and“Danger of Falling”. And, we could confirm that the system work without fault in the case of bed cover and pillow using.Keyword
getting up recognition,depth image sensor,danger of falling英語論文
Blood collection assistance device for self-monitoring blood glucose in elderly patients with diabetes(高齢糖尿病患者向け血糖自己測定器用の採血補助機能の検討)
新井梨佳1,2 村山陵子1 大江真琴1 田邊秀憲1,2 飯塚陽子3 小見山智恵子4 門脇 孝3 真田弘美5
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座アドバンストナーシングテクノロジー
- テルモ株式会社
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科糖尿病・代謝内科
- 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学
高齢者,糖尿病,血糖自己測定,血糖測定器Blood collection assistance device for self-monitoring blood glucose in elderly patients with diabetes
Rika Arai1,2 Ryoko Murayama1 Makoto Oe1 Hidenori Tanabe1,2 Yoko Iizuka3 Chieko Komiyama4 Takashi Kadowaki3 Hiromi Sanada5
- Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
- Terumo Corporation
- Department of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
- Department of Nursing, the University of Tokyo Hospital
- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
Elderly patients with diabetes have difficulties mastering self-monitoring of blood glucose(SMBG)procedures due to declines in dexterity and cognitive function. SMBG devices that require less dexterity and simpler procedures are needed for these patients. We developed a blood collection assistance device for use on a new SMBG device. The purpose of this study was to examine the optimum depth of puncture, load intensity of compression on the area surrounding the puncture site, and the number of compressions needed to get enough blood for 11 elderly volunteers. We found our device could lead to stable bleeding of more than 0.8μL, the amount required for SMBG in general, if the surrounding area of the punctured spot was compressed using 14.7 N loading for 5 seconds and for two compressions. This assistive device might be useful if it could be mounted on an SMBG device.Keyword
elderly people,diabetes mellitus,self monitoring of blood glucose,blood glucose meter英語論文
New quantitative indicators of evaluating the skin care regimen for older adults with dry skin by using the digital image analysis(デジタル画像解析を用いた高齢者ドライスキンの新たなスキンケア評価指標)
新田汐里1 松本 勝2 須釜淳子2,3 仲上豪二朗4 大桑麻由美2 中谷壽男2 真田弘美4
- 東邦大学看護学部看護学科基礎看護学研究室
- 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系看護科学領域
- 金沢大学医薬保健研究域附属健康増進科学センター
- 東京大学大学院医学系研究科老年看護学/創傷看護学分野
高齢者,ドライスキン,スキンケア,皮膚形態,画像解析New quantitative indicators of evaluating the skin care regimen for older adults with dry skin by using the digital image analysis
Shiori Nitta1 Masaru Matsumoto2 Junko Sugama2,3 Gojiro Nakagami4 Mayumi Okuwa2 Toshio Nakatani2 Hiromi Sanada4
- Department of Fundamental Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Toho University
- Department of Clinical Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
- Wellness Promotion Science Center, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
- Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Most elderly people experience roughening of the skin surface and dryness with aging. Consequently, we must ensure that their skin remains adequately moisturized. However, it is difficult to evaluate the effect of skin care in bedridden elderly people who may have difficulties with communication. Therefore, there is a need for an evaluation index that can objectively evaluate dry skin recovery. This prospective cohort study aimed to assess the usefulness of digital image analysis as a quantitative indicator of the effectiveness of dry skin care in elderly patients. Elderly inpatients in a long-term care facility, and with dry skin on their forearm were recruited to the study. The intervention comprised applying a moisturizer cream to dry skin on the forearm once daily for 2 weeks. Skin hydration, and skin morphology were compared before and after the intervention. Skin morphology was measured by digital image analysis. In total, 16 people of elderly completed the follow-up study. After the intervention, skin hydration significantly increased indicated that the skin condition changed from dry to moisturized. The following factors were associated with this improved hydration: average thickness of the sulcus cutis, variance of thickness, and the relative scales area significantly decreased.Keyword
elderly,dry skin,skin care,skin morphology,image analysis英語論文
Evaluating the clinical applicability of a wearable lift assist device from a nursing perspective(着用型腰部補助装置の臨床応用を看護の視点により評価する)
村上 寛1 大野ゆう子2 足立光生3 小笠原伸浩4 小林 宏4,5
- 神戸アドベンチスト病院
- 大阪大学
- 神戸アドベンチスト病院
- 株式会社イノフィス
- 東京理科大学
患者移動,患者移乗,装着型腰部補助装置,腰痛,看護要因Evaluating the clinical applicability of a wearable lift assist device from a nursing perspective
Yutaka Murakami1 Yuko Ohno2 Kosei Adachi3 Nobuhiro Ogasawara4 Hiroshi Kobayashi4,5
- Kobe Adventist Hospital
- Osaka University
- Kobe Adventist Hospital
- Innophys Co. Ltd.
- Tokyo University of Science
The purpose of this descriptive study is to evaluate the clinical applicability of a wearable lift assist device(WLAD)from a nursing perspective. The WLAD was developed to help reduce workload on the lower back. It was first introduced to work environments handling heavy weights, such as shipping companies. Today, its use is expanding to home health care settings for assisting elderly adults in bathing;however, the applicability for nursing care in clinical settings has not yet been demonstrated. In this study, we developed an evaluation questionnaire from a nursing perspective, using a Likert-type four choice format, and evaluated the WLAD in a simulated clinical situation assisting patient transfer to and from a bedside commode. The questionnaire included six categories;Fitting ease, Operability, Comfort, Sense of safety, Sense of back support, and General comments. Ten registered nurses in a hospice care unit participated in this study. In aggregated ratings one category, Operability, scored negatively. All other categories, Fitting ease, Comfort, Sense of safety and Sense of back support scored positively. In general, 80% agreed that the WLAD was useful in assisting patient transfer to and from a bedside commode. These results indicate specific needs for further development of the WLAD but also suggest applicability within the clinical nursing care setting.Keyword
patient transfer,lift,wearable lift assist device,low-back pain,nursing personnel非侵襲的陽圧換気療法のマスク密着部の皮膚変化の実態把握調査-換気療法を行わずにマスクを装着した健康成人の皮膚の変化-
非侵襲的陽圧換気療法のマスク密着部の皮膚変化の実態把握調査 -換気療法を行わずにマスクを装着した健康成人の皮膚の変化-
藤本由美子1 大桑麻由美2 酒井透江1 浦井珠恵1 青木未来1 定塚佳子1 丸谷晃子1 松本 勝2
- 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科保健学専攻
- 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系臨床実践看護学講座
非侵襲的陽圧換気療法(non-invasive positive pressure ventilation:NPPV)のマスクによる圧迫創傷の関連要因を導くことを目的に健康成人に非換気でNPPVマスク装着の条件を整えて繰り返し装着し,皮膚の変化を詳細に観察し分類した.方法は9名の対象者に対して2種類のマスクを2回以上装着した.研究者1名がマスク固定の絞め方を統一しすべての調査内容の観察を行った.皮膚変化が2回同じようにみられた場合をマスクによる皮膚変化とし,顔の形状および対象者の主観との関係を分析した.その結果,頬や額はマスクの形状に一致した定形の皮膚変化がみられたが,鼻はマスクの形状と一致しない特徴的な不定形な形状がみられた.また鼻はマスクのずれ感を伴い,マスクサイズの不一致やマスク自体の変形が皮膚変化の形状に影響していることが考えられた.NPPVマスクの圧迫創傷の要因はケア要因のみではなくデバイスの評価や適性使用のアセスメントも重要であることが示唆された.キーワード
非侵襲的陽圧換気療法マスク,健康成人,皮膚変化,形状Changes in skin condition at mask placement sites during non-invasive positive pressure ventilation:A survey of skin changes in healthy adults fitted with masks without ventilation
Yumiko Fujimoto1 Mayumi Okuwa2 Yukie Sakai1 Tamae Urai1 Miku Aoki1 Yoshiko Jozuka1 Akiko Marutani1 Masaru Matsumoto2
- Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Division of Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
- Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
The present study aimed to identify factors and observe and classify skin changes in detail related to pressure ulcers caused by repeated use of unventilated masks during non-invasive positive pressure ventilation(NPPV)among healthy adults under identical fixation conditions as under actual usage conditions, mask fixation cannot be standardized and varies from patient to patient. Specifically, two mask types were placed on nine subjects at least twice. A single researcher ensured that masks were fitted in the same manner, and observed all survey contents. Cases in which similar skin changes were observed twice were regarded as mask-induced skin changes, and their relationship to the facial morphology and subjective assessment of the subject were analyzed. On the cheeks and forehead, skin changes in a pattern consistent with the mask configuration were observed;while on the nose, a distinct irregular pattern inconsistent with the mask configuration was observed. Moreover, the masks did not properly fit on the nose, indicating that using an ill-fitting mask or changes in the configuration of the mask itself may affect the pattern of skin changes. These findings indicate that the factors related to pressure ulcers caused by NPPV masks are not restricted to care-related factors, and that assessments of the device and its appropriate use are also important.Keyword
non-invasive positive pressure ventilation therapy mask,healthy adults,change of the skin,shape実践報告
正源寺美穂1 臺 美佐子1 須釜淳子1 福村友香1 島田啓子1
- 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系
各種ポケットエコーを用い,経時的な膀胱内尿量および残尿評価を試みた結果,以下のことが明らかになった.1.継時的に膀胱内尿量が増加するにつれて,各種ポケットエコーによる測定値のバラツキが大きくなる傾向がある一方,残尿量は50ml以下の計測が可能であった.2.測定値を算出する所要時間は5分以内であり,各種ポケットエコーにより短時間で,膀胱内尿量および残尿評価が可能であった.以上より,各種ポケットエコーで簡便に膀胱内尿量および残尿を評価でき,排尿ケアのアセスメントに有効なため,看護師がベッドサイドで積極的に臨床応用する有用性が示唆された.Comparison of bladder volume evaluation by pocket-sized ultrasound devices
Miho Shogenji1 Misako Dai1 Junko Sugama1 Yuka Fukumura1 Keiko Shimada1
- Graduate School of Medical Science, Division of Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
第4回看護理工学会学術集会 開催のご案内
掲載論文 キーメッセージ掲載のご案内